Civic Building

231 Hastings Street, Napier

Phone:  (06) 835 7579




Ordinary Meeting of Council







Meeting Date:

Wednesday 16 August 2017




East Coast Lab
Level 1

National Aquarium of New Zealand

Marine Parade




Council Members

The Mayor (In the Chair), Councillors Boag, Brosnan, Dallimore, Hague, Jeffery, McGrath, Price, Tapine, Taylor, White, Wise and Wright

Officer Responsible

Chief Executive, Wayne Jack


Governance Team



Next Council Meeting

Extraordinary Council meeting on 20 September 2017

Ordinary Council meeting on 27 September 2017

Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda





Public forum

Announcements by the Mayor

Announcements by the Management

Confirmation of Minutes

That the Draft Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on Wednesday, 28 June 2017 be confirmed as a true and accurate record of the meeting. (Page 100) refers)

That the Draft Minutes of the Extraordinary Meeting of Council held on Wednesday, 12 July 2017 be confirmed as a true and accurate record of the meeting. (Page 122 refers).


The Council resolves, in terms of Section 82 (3) of the Local Government Act 2002, that the principles set out in that section have been observed in such manner that the Napier City Council consider, in its discretion, is appropriate to make decisions on the recommendations set out in this agenda (including the Public Excluded section).

New Reports

1          Cato Road accessway - update to Council ............................................................... 4

2          Hawke's Bay Drinking Water Governance Joint Committee implementation........... 7

3          Maori Wards............................................................................................................. 15

4          Joint Waste Futures Project Steering Committee - draft minutes 5 July 2017....... 49 

Reports / Recommendations from the Standing Committees

Reports from Maori Consultative Committee held 9 August 2017............................................. 55

Reports from Strategy and Infrastructure Committee held 19 July 2017

1          Matariki Regional Economic Development Strategy............................................... 56

2          Napier Aquatic Centre Business Case: Options for Expansion.............................. 57

3          Draft Ahuriri Estuary & Coastal Edge Masterplan - Consultation............................ 58

4          Permanent Commercial Activity on Marine Parade................................................. 59

5          Hawke's Bay Airport Ltd - Reappointment of Director ............................................ 60

Reports from Regulatory Committee held 19 July 2017

1          Gambling Venues Policy - Hearing Report.............................................................. 61

2          Set Parking Fees and Charges - 292 Hastings Street............................................ 62

3          Funding application for Elite Road National Cycling Champs................................. 63

Reports from Finance Committee held 2 August 2017

1          Cato Road Accessway............................................................................................. 64

2          Community Outcome, Activities and Activity Groups.............................................. 65

3          Civic and Library Building......................................................................................... 66

4          Remuneration of Elected Members......................................................................... 68

5          Electoral Systems for Elections............................................................................... 69

6          New Year's Eve Event - Funding Applications........................................................ 70

Reports from Community Services Committee held 2 August 2017

1          Napier Social Monitor report - 2017......................................................................... 72

Reports from Maori Consultative Committee held 9 August 2017

1          Update on review of Maori Consultative Committee TOR....................................... 73

2          Maori Wards............................................................................................................. 74

Reports Under Delegated Authority

1          Requests for Official Information.............................................................................. 76

2          Tenders Let.............................................................................................................. 87

3          Schedule of Documents Executed Under Seal....................................................... 88

4          Resource Consents.................................................................................................. 89

Public Excluded .......................................................................................................... 94

Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda

New Reports

1.      Cato Road accessway - update to Council

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:


Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Debra Stewart, Team Leader Parks, Reserves, Sportsgrounds


1.1     Purpose of Report

This report is to provide detail on the community engagement that has been undertaken as part of the requested Licence to Occupy for access to The Den childcare facility at Cato Road.


Officer’s Recommendation

That Council

a.       Receive the report.




That the Council resolve that the officer’s recommendation be adopted.


1.2     Background Summary

At the Finance Committee meeting on 2 August 2017, consideration was given to issuing a Licence to Occupy for access and parking for The Den childcare facility, partly over paper road and partly over cemetery land.


Council requested that community engagement should be undertaken prior to a decision being made at its meeting on 16 August 2017.


A copy of the engagement plan is shown at Attachment A; engagement undertaken includes a letter drop, signage and opportunity for comment on Councils website. All actions within the engagement plan have been initiated.


Because of the short time frame between the Finance Committee and Council meetings, an engagement period of a week was the maximum possible opportunity to seek feedback. Feedback will be sought until 14 August 2017, following which it will be collated and a summary of the results tabled to Council at this meeting.


The Māori Consultative Committee has been advised of the project.

1.3     Issues


1.4     Significance and Consultation

The matter of the Cato Road accessway did not trigger any formal consultation requirements. This report advises on the community engagement undertaken at the request of Council.

1.5     Implications



Social & Policy




1.6     Options

N/A – report is information only

1.7     Development of Preferred Option



1.8     Attachments

a       Cato Road - express engagement plan    

Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda

Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda

2.      Hawke's Bay Drinking Water Governance Joint Committee implementation

Type of Report:

Legal and Operational

Legal Reference:

Local Government Act 2002

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Deborah Smith, Governance Advisor


2.1     Purpose of Report

The purpose of this report is to obtain a decision from the Council on a proposal to establish a governance Joint Committee to provide oversight of drinking water matters within the Hawke’s Bay region.


Officer’s Recommendation

That Council

a.       Resolve to establish the Hawke’s Bay Drinking Water Governance Joint Committee, subject to the agreement of the other participating agencies.

b.       Adopt the Terms of Reference for the Hawke’s Bay Drinking Water Governance Joint Committee, subject to the agreement of the other participating agencies.

c.       Appoint the Chair of the Infrastructure and Strategy Committee and the Finance Committee to the Committee as standing appointments.




That the Council resolve that the officer’s recommendation be adopted.


2.2     Background Summary

This proposal arises from discussions between the councils in the region and other stakeholders, following on from the Havelock North water contamination event, and the establishment of an officer level joint working group (JWG) by the Hawke’s Bay District Health Board (HBDHB), the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council (HBRC) and the Hastings District Council (HDC), joined more latterly by the Napier City Council (NCC). The JWG has focused on normalising collaboration and working together between the parties aimed at ensuring drinking water safety.

The proposal for a governance Joint Committee is designed to provide joined up governance oversight of drinking water safety and the work of JWG. It is intended to provide a focus on collaboration in drinking water safety work beyond the life of the Government Inquiry into Havelock North Drinking Water which is currently taking a strong interest in the work of the JWG.

The Council is required to give effect to the purpose of local government as prescribed by Section 10 of the Local Government Act 2002. That purpose is to meet the current and future needs of communities for good quality local infrastructure, local public services, and performance of regulatory functions in a way that is most cost–effective for households and businesses. Good quality means infrastructure, services and performance that are efficient and effective and appropriate to present and anticipated future circumstances.

The objective of this decision relevant to the purpose of local government is to provide governance arrangements that support and provide oversight to the collaborative work necessary to promote and help ensure safe drinking water.

The Havelock North water contamination event highlighted the need for greater collaboration between health, environment and water supply agencies in work to ensure drinking water safety. This is particularly important with the ‘multiple barrier’ approach required by legislation, and which is international best practice, where multiple agencies need to work together to ensure multiple risks are comprehensively managed. At the initiative of the Chief Executive of the HBDHB, a JWG was established between the HBDHB, the HBRC and HDC to help normalise and drive greater collaboration on drinking water safety matters. NCC also joined the group once it was established.

The JWG has been working effectively since late 2016 under the leadership of Mr Chris Tremain, the independent chairperson appointed by the parties. The JWG has overseen implementation of Government Inquiry recommendations, and is addressing a number of policy and coordination matters relating to drinking water safety, agency collaboration, catchment protection and effective use of statutory policy and planning tools.

2.3     Current Situation

The JWG currently exists on the agreement of the chief executives of the participating agencies. It has also been tasked with various activities by the Government Inquiry. It formally reports to the chief executives and, in effect, to the Government Inquiry.

The chief executives agree that the JWG has added significant value in systematising and resourcing collaborative work between the agencies that contributes to drinking water safety, and therefore this momentum should not be lost.

The Government Inquiry is due to complete its work in December 2017. While the JWG will continue to operate and operationally report to respective chief executives, it is also considered desirable in terms of focus and accountability for there to be an ongoing level of governance oversight of the activities of the JWG, particularly when the oversight focus brought to bear by the Inquiry is no longer present.

Discussions between a number of the governance and management leaders of stakeholder organisations has led to the development of a proposal to establish a Hawke’s Bay Drinking Water Governance Joint Committee.

2.4     Proposed Joint Committee

Attachment 1 is the proposed terms of reference for the Hawke’s Bay Drinking Water Governance Joint Committee.

The Joint Committee will be established between the HBDHB, the HBRC and those territorial authorities that wish to participate in the Joint Committee. The geographic jurisdiction for the Joint Committee will be across the area of the territorial authorities that elect to participate in the Joint Committee and such other land and catchment areas within the jurisdiction of the HBRC that have an impact on drinking water matters within the participating territorial authorities.

The Joint Committee will focus on drinking water matters, including in particular drinking water adequacy, quality and safety. The Joint Committee will be able to consider other network infrastructure matters (e.g. stormwater and wastewater) and other freshwater matters to the extent that they impact on drinking water. The Joint Committee will be able to make decisions within its own terms of reference, but will also be empowered to make recommendations to its member organisations’ other decision making and policy fora as appropriate (e.g. TANK, the Regional Planning Committee).

During discussions over the form and function of this Committee it was unclear as to whether iwi wished to participate as members of the Joint Committee. Iwi representatives engaged noted the statutory provisions that allow them to input into and challenge decision making in relation to water matters.

Iwi participation in the Joint Committee has therefore been left open within the terms of reference and can be revisited if iwi organisations determine they do wish to participate within the joint committee structure.

2.5     Significance and Consultation

The proposal recommended in this report relates to governance and administrative arrangements. It is not considered to trigger the thresholds contained in Council’s significance policy.

2.6     Implications


The financial implications of establishing the Joint Committee are not significant and will largely be met from within Council’s existing governance and leadership budgets. Policy and technical work to support the Joint Committee work programme is already being carried out under the auspices of the JWG and is funded by the agencies involved.

Social & Policy

Establishing the Joint Committee and adopting the Terms of Reference will enable a regional approach to governance over drinking water matters and drinking water safety to be established, and will further reinforce and systematise the interagency collaboration that is desirable to ensure a strong focus on drinking water safety and adequacy. By overseeing drinking water management collectively as a region, a more consistent and mutually reinforcing approach can be taken to the management of shared water resources. Furthermore the experience of larger and better resourced parts of the region can be shared with all.


Not resolving to establish the Joint Committee would mean that the Council was forgoing the opportunity to establish regional governance to reinforce collaboration in respect of drinking water matters. While this course is open to the Council, this is seen as neglecting an opportunity to strengthen desirable inter agency collaboration in this area.


2.5     Options

5.1     The Council can either:

•        Proceed to establish the proposed Joint Committee on the basis of the proposed Terms of Reference.

•        Seek to modify the form and/or terms of reference for the Joint Committee.

•        Decline to establish the Joint Committee.

2.6     Development of Preferred Option

The preferred option is to resolve to establish the Joint Committee and adopt the terms of reference. This will enable a regional approach to governance over drinking water matters and drinking water safety to be established, and will further reinforce and systematise the interagency collaboration that is desirable to ensure a strong focus on drinking water safety and adequacy.


2.7     Attachments

a       Hawke's Bay Drinking Water Governance Committee Terms of Reference    

Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda

Hawke’s Bay Drinking Water Governance Joint Committee

Terms of Reference

1.         Background

1.1.     In August 2016 a significant water contamination event occurred that affected the Hawke’s Bay community of Havelock North. The Government established an Inquiry into the Havelock North water supply.

1.2.     It became apparent during the Government Inquiry that in order to achieve a systematic approach to ensuring safe and reliable drinking water, there was a need to strengthen interagency working relationships, collaboration and information sharing pertaining to drinking water.

1.3.     The Inquiry asked a Joint Working Group (JWG) initially comprising staff representatives of the

1.4.     Hawke’s Bay District Health Board, Hawke’s Bay Regional Council and the Hastings District Council to implement its 17 initial recommendations. As this group has evolved it has become apparent that many drinking water issues will require an ongoing forum for regional collaboration and decision making.  Napier City Council have also joined the Joint Working Group, as well as a Drinking- Water Assessor from the Central North Island Drinking Water Assessment Unit.

1.5.     Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated have called for the agencies involved in water management to view water as a taonga, the lifeblood of the land and people. They consider that drinking water should be set as the number one priority for water use in decision-making processes related to water.

1.6.     It is within this context that the Hawke’s Bay Drinking Water Governance Joint Committee has been established. The principal focus of the Committee is on drinking water, however drinking water cannot be considered in isolation from other fresh water management issues. For that that reason the focus of the Committee will be twofold:

1.6.1.   To provide governance oversight for planning and decision making on regional drinking water matters; and

1.6.2.   To consider and make recommendations where appropriate to decision-making bodies with responsibility for broader freshwater management issues or planning or infrastructure issues that have implications for drinking water and/or drinking water safety.

2.         Purpose

2.1.     The parties agree that water is a taonga, the lifeblood of the land and people. They further agree that the Joint Committee established under this Terms of Reference is intended to give practical meaning and effect to this agreement.

2.2.     The Committee is established to provide governance oversight to the existing JWG regarding the implementation of recommendations from the Inquiry Panel and then the evolution of the JWG into a more permanent officials working group.

2.3.     In the context of this agreement including 2.1 and 2.2 above, the purpose of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Drinking Water Governance Joint Committee is to give governance oversight and direction in respect of the following matters:

2.3.1.   Programmes and initiatives to protect and enhance drinking water quality, safety and reliability

2.3.2.   Improving and maintaining effective inter-agency working relationships relating to drinking water, including monitoring the extent and effectiveness of cooperation, collaboration and information sharing between the agencies, monitoring mechanisms to achieve these desired outcomes, and encouraging member parties to give adequate consideration to the safety and reliability of drinking water in the carrying out of their range of functions

2.3.3.   Provision of governance oversight of strategies, priorities and implementation monitoring related to drinking water management, including drinking water sources, infrastructure matters and drinking water emergency response

2.3.4.   To recommend to relevant bodies and decision making for a (including bodies with responsibility for regional and district level planning), initiatives and priorities affecting drinking water andchanges to strategies and work programmes to protect and enhance drinking water quality, safety and reliability, having regard to the needs of the region for adequate and secure water resources suitable for the supply of safe drinking water.

2.4.     The geographic scope of the Joint Committee’s jurisdiction shall be over drinking water related matters on the land and catchment areas within territorial authorities who elect to be members of the Joint Committee (the participating territorial authorities) plus such other land and catchment areas within the authority of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council that have an impact upon drinking water within the participating territorial authorities.

3.         Members/Parties

3.1.     If they elect to take up membership and establish the Joint Committee, each of the following shall be a Member Organisation of the Hawke’s Bay Drinking Water Governance Joint Committee and a party to this document and the establishment of the Joint Committee:

3.1.1.   Hawke’s Bay District Health Board

3.1.2.   Hawke’s Bay Regional Council

3.1.3.   Central Hawke’s Bay District Council

3.1.4.   Hastings District Council

3.1.5.   Napier City Council

3.1.6.   Wairoa District Council

3.2.     Each member organisation may appoint two (2) representatives.

3.3.     To ensure the work of the joint Committee is not unreasonably disrupted by absences each party may appoint alternative representatives.

3.4.     The Joint Committee shall appoint an Independent Chairperson of the Joint Committee.

3.5.     Water is of particular importance to Māori, and Māori have certain statutory rights in respect of decision making relating to water under the Resource Management Act 1991 and the Local Government Act 2002. Some iwi representatives have been involved in discussions leading to the proposal for this Joint Committee but have not determined whether or not they wish to formally participate in the Joint Committee. Provision is made for iwi representation to be added to the Committee should iwi organisations with authority in respect of the geographic areas over which this Joint Committee has jurisdiction indicate that they wish to formally join the Committee.

3.5.1.   Notwithstanding any decision by iwi organisations under e. above, the member organisations will take steps to consult with, and take into account the interests of, Māori as appropriate in terms of local authority decision making requirements in respect of matters before the Joint Committee.

4.         Name

4.1.     The Hawke’s Bay Drinking Water Governance Joint Committee shall be known as the Hawke’s Bay Drinking Water Governance Joint Committee (HBDWGJC).

5.         Status

5.1.     By agreement of the local authority members, the Hawke’s Bay Drinking Water Governance Joint Committee is established as a Joint Committee under clause 30 and clause 30A of Schedule 7 of the Local Government Act 2002. It is a Committee of each of the member local authorities.

5.2.     By this agreement between the parties, the Committee shall also include members who are not local authorities.



6.         Delegated Authority

6.1.     The Hawke’s Bay Water Governance Joint Committee shall have authority to undertake such steps as are necessary to give effect to the purpose of the Hawke’s Bay Water Governance Joint Committee including:

6.1.1.   Reviewing and amending as necessary the Terms of Reference for the Joint Working Group that comprises officers working for the member organisations

6.1.2.   Receiving reports from and giving direction to the officials Joint Working Group that leads interagency cooperation and work programmes on drinking water quality, safety and reliability  and/or the Chief Executives of the member agencies

6.1.3.   Commissioning reports and studies

6.1.4.   Making recommendations to members related to the security, safety and reliability of drinking water

6.1.5.   Making recommendations to member organisations relating to strategies, priorities and work programmes.

6.1.6.   Making recommendations to appropriate parties on matters within the purpose of the Joint Committee.

7.         Administering Authority and Servicing

7.1.     The members of the Hawke’s Bay Drinking Water Governance Joint Committee shall work with the JWG established to lead interagency cooperation and work programmes on drinking water quality, safety and reliability. The JWG, together with the Chief Executives of the member agencies, will provide reports and information to the Joint Committee.

7.2.     The Administering Authority of the Joint Committee shall be the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council.

8.         The Remuneration

8.1.     Each member organisation of the Hawke’s Bay Drinking Water Governance Joint Committee shall be responsible for the cost of its participation on the Joint Committee.

8.2.     The Joint Committee shall agree on the apportionment of the costs of the Independent Chairperson on the recommendation of the JWG.

8.3.     The JWG shall agree the apportionment of any costs arising from the work of the Joint Committee.

9.         Meetings

9.1.     The Standing Orders of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council will be used to conduct Joint Committee meetings.

9.2.     The Joint Committee shall meet not less than 6 monthly or at such other times and places as agreed for the achievement of the purpose of the Joint Committee.

10.      Quorum

10.1.  The quorum at any meeting shall be not less than half of the member representatives on the Joint Committee plus one representative.

11.      Voting

11.1.  The membership shall strive at all times to reach a consensus.

11.2.  Each representative and the Independent Chairperson shall be entitled to one vote on any item of business.

11.3.  There shall be no casting vote.

12.      Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson

12.1.  Member representatives shall appoint, by agreement, an Independent Chairperson who shall be entitled to one vote, and in the case of an equality of votes does not have a casting vote.

12.2.  The Joint Committee shall also appoint, by simple majority vote from among the representatives, a Deputy Chairperson.

13.      Variations

13.1.  Any Member may propose an amendment (including additions or deletions) to the Terms of Reference which may be agreed to by the Joint Committee as a recommendation for consideration by the member organisations.

13.2.  Once agreed to by the Joint Committee, amendments to the Terms of Reference shall have no effect until each member organisation has agreed to the amendment.

14.      Good Faith

14.1.  The parties to this Terms of Reference agree to act in good faith towards each other and to give effect to the purpose of the Joint Committee.


Dated:         26 July 2017


Signed on behalf of the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council



Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda

3.      Maori Wards

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:

Local Electoral Act 1991

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Jane McLoughlin, Team Leader Governance


3.1     Purpose of Report

To outline the process for consideration of Māori Wards for the 2019 elections.  



Officer’s Recommendation

That Council:

a.       Receive the report titled Māori Wards.

b.       Note that staff will undertake consultation including consultation with local Māori, and report back to the Māori Committee and Council on views received to inform decision-making. 



That the Council resolve that the officer’s recommendation be adopted.


3.2     Background Summary

In accordance with the Local Electoral Act 1991, Council has an opportunity to establish Māori Wards, which if created would be used in the 2019 election.  A decision must be made by 23 November 2017.  If a decision is made to establish Māori Wards, a public notice is required by 30 November 2017, including the right for the public to demand a poll which can challenge that decision (at least 5% of the electors in the Napier boundary are required for that demand to be made).  


A decision on whether to establish Māori Wards is one precursor to a wider Representation Review that is required to be carried out by Napier City Council ahead of the 2019 local election. 


              Background to Maori Representation in Local Government


Section 14d of the Local Government Act 2002 outlines that a local authority should provide opportunities for Māori to contribute to decision-making.  Throughout the New Zealand there are a variety of ways Māori are engaged in decision-making.  There has been limited uptake of Māori Wards across the country, with more Councils using Māori Standing Committees and iwi partnership models. 


Three councils currently have Māori Wards:

   Bay of Plenty Regional Council (established in 2001 by specific legislation),

   Waikato Regional Council (established 2013 by council resolutions), and

   Wairoa District Council (to be established from 2019 as the result of a poll). 


Since 2007, six councils have held a poll on whether to establish Māori Wards or not, with one of these resulting in Māori Wards being established. This was in Wairoa in 2016 (54% voted for to 46% against).  Wairoa has a Māori population of 58.6%. 


More recently, Parliament debated Marama Davidson’s Local Electoral (Equitable Process for Establishing Māori Wards and Māori Constituencies) Amendment Bill, a Member’s bill which recently came out of the ballot.  The Bill did not progress.


In June 2017, Local Government New Zealand issued a paper titled Council-Māori Participation Arrangements (Attachment A) which provides information for councils and Māori when considering their arrangements to engage and work with each other. 


How Māori Wards work


If Māori Wards are implemented, those on the Māori electoral roll vote for the Māori Ward members, and those on the general electoral roll vote for the general elected members.  All voters can vote for the Mayor.  Anyone can stand as a candidate for a Māori Ward but you cannot stand as a candidate for a Māori ward and a general ward at the same time. 


As outlined in Schedule 1A of the Local Electoral Act, there is a formula for determining how many Māori Wards can be established.  This formula is based on Māori and general electoral populations. 


Under the formula, Napier City could have up to two Māori Ward members. If this were the case, if the total number of elected members were to continue at 12, this would decrease the number of general elected members from 12 to 10 and 2 of the 12 would be Māori Ward members.


Total population


Māori Electoral Population


General election population


Total members

12 (excluding the Mayor)

Māori Ward members

1.55 rounded up to 2. 



Napier City Council’s relationships with Māori


As outlined in the Local Governance Statement, there are a number of ways that Napier City Council currently engages with Māori (Attachment B).   


In particular, the Terms of Reference of the Māori Consultative Committee are being reviewed, and the Māori Consultative Committee are leading this review. 



3.3     Issues

Māori Wards were introduced as an option to provide direct representation for Māori in local government.


In the 2016 elections, the first Maori elected member to Napier City was elected through a Ward (as opposed to “at large”).  Whether there are Māori Wards or not, one way to obtain more Māori representation on Council is to encourage more Māori candidates to stand, and more Māori to vote in the elections.


Introducing Māori Wards means that those candidates elected to the positions may directly represent the interests of the voters on the Māori electoral roll.


In general, electors on the Māori electoral roll are only able to vote for the Māori Ward candidates:


-     under an “at large” configuration, there is no voting for general election candidates.

-     where there is a mixed system, voters are able to vote for the Māori Ward candidates, and the remainder of the “at large” candidates. 

-     in a Ward system, the voters vote for the Māori Ward candidates and no other wards. 


For example,


 If Napier City moved to an “at large” representation as opposed to the current “mixed” representation, and introduced up to two Māori positions representing Maori and ten members elected from a general pool.


In this example, the electors on the Māori electoral roll would be able to vote for the candidates for the Māori Ward positions and are guaranteed two members to represent their interests.  However, instead of being able to vote for 12 candidates, they would only be able to vote for two, and therefore they may effectively have less influence than other voters who are on the general electoral roll and who are able to influence change on 10 members.  This also reduces the voters on the general electoral roll from voting for 12 to 10 members.


Without those on the Māori electoral roll voting for the candidates in the general election, this could have an effect on who is elected in the general positions (which could adversely affect Māori interests as they have no say on who is being elected, and those general positions make up the majority of seats).


3.4     Significance and Consultation

An information paper was presented at the Maori Consultative Committee meeting on Wednesday 9 August, and more engagement will take place over the next couple of months.  It is suggested that consultation with iwi representatives occur in September/October to inform a decision on Māori Wards.   


3.5     Implications



Social & Policy





3.6     Attachments

a       LGNZ paper on Council-Maori participation, June 2017

b       Excerpt from Napier's Local Governance Statement   

Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda




























Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda


Excerpt from Napier’s Local Governance Statement


The Local Government Act 2002 requires Councils:

   to provide opportunities for Māori to contribute to decision making, and

   to ensure there are processes in place for consulting with Māori. 

Napier City Council recognises the important standing that Ngāti Kahungunu and Ahuriri Hapū have in Napier.


10.1   Relationship building and decision making

Napier City Council has a formal relationship with Māori through its Māori Consultative Committee; this meets every six weeks as part of the governance meeting cycle.  The Committee takes place prior to the main Council meetings so that input can be provided on any items that may directly affect Māori.  The Committee is also invited to attend Councillor-only seminars. 

Council has appointed a Council Kaumātua to strengthen relationships between Council and tangata whenua.  Mr Piri Prentice was appointed to the position in January 2014. 

There are strong relationships between Council’s executive level (Chief Executive and Mayor) and Treaty settlement groups, including Mana Ahuriri and Maungaharuru-Tangitū Trust.  The purpose of these relationships is to explore opportunities for partnership. 

Ngāti Kahungunu Incorporated is a partner member of the LIFT Hawke’s Bay Kia Tapatahi Leadership Group and Executive Group, a cross-sector forum which meets quarterly, involving leaders, executives and staff from each organisation. The purpose of this forum is to work collaboratively to progress a vision for Hawke’s Bay, and to facilitate and undertake collective actions that support sustainable growth and development of the region. 

Strong relationships have been built with Te Taiwhenua O Te Whanganui a Orotū, the local iwi authority for Napier, through Council’s community development work.

Napier City Council is undertaking a review of its existing opportunities for local iwi to be involved in decision making, to ensure that engagement and relationship building is taking place in ways that are meaningful and long-term.






10.2   Processes for consulting with Māori

Napier City Council is currently formalising its engagement with Māori as part of the development of a Community Engagement Strategy.

Specific input from Māori has contributed to the development and implementation of Council initiatives and projects, including:

   the establishment of Te Rōpū Kaiāwhina Taonga, which oversees the holdings of Māori taonga in the Museum Trust Gallery (MTG), and

   the establishment of a Kaitiaki Liaison Group as part of Council’s Biological Trickling Filter project. The Group advised the Council on culturally appropriate treatment of waste for the project, which went on to win a Local Government New Zealand Excellence Award.

Council was also involved in the building of Napier’s urban Marae, Pukemokimoki Marae, which sits on Council-owned reserve land. The Marae is run by a Trust on which a councillor is always one of the Trustees and the Manager Community Strategies acts as an advisor to the Trust Board. Council also provides funding support to the Marae.


Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda

4.      Joint Waste Futures Project Steering Committee - draft minutes 5 July 2017

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:


Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Deborah Smith, Governance Advisor


4.1     Purpose of Report

To present to Council the draft minutes of the Joint Waste Futures Project Steering Committee from the meeting on 5 July 2017.


Officer’s Recommendation

That Council

a.       Receive the draft minutes of the Joint Waste Futures Project Steering Committee from the meeting on 5 July 2017.




That the Council resolve that the officer’s recommendation be adopted.


4.2     Background Summary

The Joint Waste Futures Project Steering Committee met on 5 July 2017; the draft minutes of that meeting are shown at Attachment A.

4.3     Issues

No Issues

4.4     Significance and Consultation


4.5     Implications



Social & Policy





4.6     Attachments

a       MInutes Joint Waste Futures 5 July 2017   

Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda






Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda








That the Maori Consultative Committee recommendations be adopted.


Note:     The Maori Consultative Committee Recommendations in relation to the Standing Committees items are recorded with each specific item.

Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda

Reports from Strategy and Infrastructure Committee
held 19 July 2017


1.      Matariki Regional Economic Development Strategy

Type of Report:

Enter Significance of Report

Legal Reference:

Enter Legal Reference

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Wayne  Jack, Chief Executive


1.1     Purpose of Report

To endorse the governance structure, delivery and funding model for Mataraki – Hawke’s Bay Regional Economic Development Strategy.



At the Maori Consultative Committee meeting

A brief discussion was had on this item, noting that benefits of the Matariki Regional Economic Development Strategy are already being realised.  In particular, an increase in employment, and a number of workshops to assist people around starting a business and running a small business. 


Councillor Tapine / T Aranui

That the Council resolve that the Committee’s recommendation be adopted.



At the Meeting

In response to questions from Councillors, the Chief Executive (‘CE’) advised that:

·         There are currently three primary goals for the strategy, with measures which will be used to assess success. These goals are:

o   To increase the average wage across Hawke’s Bay

o   To create 5000 jobs over the next 5 years (measures for this goal include such things as NCEA Level 3 attainment for Māori/ Non-Māori and changes in employment growth)

o   To become a top quartile regional performer for GDP. Measures for this goal will be broken down by sector.

·         Council are trialling a collaboration portal on behalf of the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) which will allow elected members to see how we are tracking against those goals on a website. Quarterly reports will also be able to be generated via the portal.

It was asked how the Matariki REDS strategy was or may be able to be aligned with the recently launched government contestable fund for youth projects. The CE advised that the strategy shares a similar ‘language’ with the new fund in that activities that create and encourage social inclusion are a key focus in how development will be approached. What is important is that the identification of key projects or activities will happen at local level rather than being ‘imposed’ by government. For example, it has recently been presented to the Matariki team that drivers’ licensing programmes have the potential to make a large difference in accessibility to work.

It was expected that there are a number of robust development opportunities that could win a strong share of the contestable fund.

The consultation on the social inclusion strategy has now been completed and the draft document is being finalised. It is expected that this will be circulated to council in the near future.

The Mayor acknowledged the considerable work put into the Matariki REDS by the Chief Executive.

Committee's Recommendation

Councillors White / Wise

That Council

a.   Endorse the governance structure, delivery and funding model for the Matariki Regional Economic Development Strategy.




Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda

2.      Napier Aquatic Centre Business Case: Options for Expansion

Type of Report:

Enter Significance of Report

Legal Reference:

Enter Legal Reference

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Glenn Lucas, Manager Sport & Recreation


2.1     Purpose of Report

To seek Council approval of the Napier Aquatic Centre Expansion Business Case and engage with the community on the recommended options.



At the Maori Consultative Committee meeting

Officers noted the three options that have been put out for public consultation. 


L Ratima / T Aranui

That the Council resolve that the Committee’s recommendation be adopted.



At the Meeting

General support was indicated for the recommendation to take options 2, 3 and 4 to public consultation; it had become clear over recent discussions that a ‘no frills’ renovation would not meet the community’s needs. It was noted that this business case is focussed specifically on the aquatic facilities themselves and consideration to related matters such as car parking and surrounding environment will be addressed separately.

It was suggested that the appetite for a 50m pool may become clearer through the consultation process. It was hoped that in general there would be good levels of feedback through the process, reflecting the range of people that would use the facilities in different ways.

It was noted that the process of developing the options has been undertaken extremely quickly, in part out of necessity following the unexpected closure of the Greendale Pool in December 2016. The Community Team was thanked for the work they have undertaken to present such strong options as fast as they have.


Committee's Recommendation

Councillors Brosnan / Taylor

That Council

a.       Approves the Napier Aquatic Centre: Options for Expansion Business case

b.       Progresses community engagement and consultation on the recommended three options.




Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda

3.      Draft Ahuriri Estuary & Coastal Edge Masterplan - Consultation

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:


Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Fleur  Lincoln, Strategic Planning Lead


3.1     Purpose of Report

The purpose of the report is to obtain endorsement of the Final Draft Ahuriri Estuary and Coastal Edge Masterplan, and of the community engagement plan in advance of the community consultation phase.



At the Maori Consultative Committee meeting

A brief discussion was had on this item; it was noted that the Masterplan is robust and now moving into the consultation period.  A seminar will be provided to the Committee on the Masterplan. 


Councillor Tapine / T Aranui

That the Council resolve that the Committee’s recommendation be adopted.



At the Meeting

There was strong support for the draft Ahuriri Masterplan. It was seen as a visionary and robust document, with a heavy focus on environmental considerations while also allowing for recreational use. It was anticipated that future generations would truly see the benefits of the work to be undertaken now under the plan.

It was noted that there will be opportunities to work in partnership with and or alongside a number of organisations and build useful relationships to achieve the aims of the masterplan. Taking the opportunity to work closely with the Hawke’s Bay Regional Council and sharing our vision for the Estuary was seen as particularly important.


Committee's Recommendation

Councillors Boag / Taylor

That Council

a.       endorse the Final Draft Ahuriri Estuary and Coastal Edge Masterplan.

b.       endorse the Community Engagement Plan.




Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda

4.      Permanent Commercial Activity on Marine Parade

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:


Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Fleur  Lincoln, Strategic Planning Lead


4.1     Purpose of Report

The purpose of this report is to obtain a Council decision on whether to allow a commercial activity to operate on Marine Parade’s foreshore reserve throughout the year on a more permanent basis.



At the Maori Consultative Committee meeting

No discussion was held on this item.  


Mayor Dalton / Councillor Tapine

That the Council resolve that the Committee’s recommendation be adopted.



At the meeting

It was noted that the initial trial had gone well and the commercial activity was seen as creating vibrancy on the foreshore for cyclists and pedestrians. It was good that the location had been moved to work in better with the petanque club.

Some concerns were raised on two matters:

·         It was noted that the area had experienced inundation in early July; the owners would need to be prepared to address this possibly occurring again.

·         It was asked that Council review the charging model, noting that 5% turnover in arrears acts as a disincentive to good operators. It was recommended that a set monthly fee be looked at instead.

Committee's Recommendation

Councillors Jeffery / White

That Council

a.       Agree to grant a ‘licence to occupy’ for the northern end of the Marine Parade foreshore reserve (adjacent to the petanque court) to a food and beverage-related commercial business.

b.       Agree that the license to occupy be managed as a 3 year contract with a review after each year.

c.       Direct officers to hold an open tender process to determine who will be granted this licence to occupy.

d.       Require the future proprietor to cover all costs associated with the provision of infrastructure.


Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda

5.      Hawke's Bay Airport Ltd - Reappointment of Director

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:

Enter Legal Reference

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Caroline Thomson, Chief Financial Officer


5.1     Purpose of Report

To seek endorsement from Council for the re-appointment of Sarah Park as a Director to Hawke’s Bay Airport Ltd.



At the Maori Consultative Committee meeting

No discussion was held on this item.


Mayor Dalton / T Aranui

That the Council resolve that the Committee’s recommendation be adopted.



At the Meeting

It was suggested that re-appointments should be undertaken in committee to protect the reputations of anyone involved until a decision has been made.

Committee's Recommendation

Mayor Dalton / Councillor Brosnan

That Council

a.       Endorse the re-appointment of Sarah Park for a further term as Director of the Hawke’s Bay Airport Ltd.




Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda

Reports from Regulatory Committee
held 19 July 2017


1.      Gambling Venues Policy - Hearing Report

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:

Gambling Act 2003

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Kim Anstey, Planner Policy/Analyst


1.1     Purpose of Report

This report provides an analysis of submissions received on the Gambling Venues Policy review and outlines the officer’s recommendations on these submissions.



At the Maori Consultative Committee meeting

The Mayor gave an update on the Hearing. 


Mayor Dalton / T Aranui

That the Council resolve that the Committee’s recommendation be adopted.



At the Meeting

Deliberations on the Gambling Policy submissions were taken in committee.

As per the decision of the Committee, the record of the deliberations and the Decision of Council is recorded in the open minutes below.



The following key points were considered during the deliberations:

·         A ‘cap’ versus a ‘sinking lid’ approach

·         The relocation of machines

·         The impacts on community funding.

It was noted that the point raised by the Napier Business Inc. (regarding venues not being able to operate within 100m of each other) could not be discussed today as it had not been included in any written submission. It was noted that this matter had been previously considered during a workshop with Council and discounted at that time.

During discussions the following was noted:

·         Although the impacts of problem gambling were clearly outlined by some submitters, it was noted that most people use gambling machines responsibly. The percentage of problem gamblers is very low, and is even lower when only class 4 gambling machines are considered.

·         No submission touches on personal responsibility for behaviours. Research suggests that a predilection towards gambling may hinge on a significant early life event. Council cannot manage these events through policy. What it can do is attempt to strike a good balanced approach to the matter.

·         The cap approach is believed to be appropriate, and almost becomes self- policing.

·         Accessibility and number of venues appears to be key according to international research, as opposed to literal numbers of machines.

·         Online gaming is on the rise, and no contributions at all towards communities or addressing problem gambling are made from the spend in these platforms.

·         Under the policy, relocations and new venues are essentially treated the same in that they must be within or to specified zones.

·         There is the potential for all venues to relocate into the CBD but this is seen as highly unlikely.

·         The recent change in legislation to allow up to 18 existing machines to be relocated has been reflected in the change to the policy (where previously only nine machines were able to be relocated).

·         As the cap has been reached in Taradale there is no option to relocate into the area or for a new venue to open. However an existing venue in Taradale could move to another location in Taradale (for example of there were issues with the present building).

·         Social impact reports were undertaken in 2012 and 2013, as required when a relocation clause is included in a gambling policy. A new impact report is not required if the existing relocation policy is being rolled over.

·         There was some expectation from cruise tourists that they would be able to use class 4 machines while on land.


The general consensus was that the policy strikes an appropriate and balanced approach to the matter of class 4 gambling machines.


Committee's Recommendation

Councillors Jeffery / Brosnan

That Council

a.       Hear the submissions on the Gambling Venues Policy and determine whether any changes are required to the proposed policy.


Committee's Recommendation

Councillors Wright / Brosnan

That a DECISION OF COUNCIL is required as a Hearing is not subject to double debate.


Committee's Recommendation

Councillors Taylor / Wright

That, in terms of Section 82(3) of the Local Government Act 2002, the principles set out in that section have been observed in such a manner that the Napier City Council considers, in its discretion, it is   appropriate to make decisions on the recommendation. 




(made at the Regulatory Committee on 19 July 2017)


Councillors Brosnan/ Wright

That Council

Adopt the intent of the policy as proposed (cap on venues and machines) with the following changes to the relocation clause (N.B. strikethrough indicates those items proposed to be removed):

3.1    A Class 4 or TAB gambling licence holder who holds consent from Council to operate in the Napier District may apply for consent to relocate.

3.2  Consent to relocate is subject to the conditions provided in the policy and in accordance with section 97A of the Gambling Act.

3.2    For any site to which an existing Class 4 venue licence operator wishes to relocate, the maximum number of machines approved shall be 9.

3.3    If the venue from which the licence is relocated operates fewer than 9 machines, then the maximum of machines at the newly licenced site shall be the same as the Class 4 venue prior to being relocated.

3.4    The initial licence operated under must be surrendered prior to approval of an application for relocation.

3.5    Applications to relocate an existing Class 4 or TAB venue must meet all the necessary requirements of the policy, as if it was a new application for consent.


Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda

2.      Set Parking Fees and Charges - 292 Hastings Street

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:

Traffic Regulations, Parking Control Bylaw 2008

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Hayleigh  Brereton, Manager Regulatory Solutions 


2.1     Purpose of Report

To seek Council’s approval for establishing parking fees for a property at 292 Hastings Street, Napier, which has recently been acquired by Council to bolster the supply of parking options in the city.



At the Maori Consultative Committee meeting

No discussion was held on this item. 


Mayor Dalton / T Aranui

That the Council resolve that the Committee’s recommendation be adopted.



At the Meeting

In response to queries from councillors it was clarified that:

·         The Bylaw offers the opportunity for multiple payment options. It will be confirmed prior to the council meeting whether there is a specific requirement to accept cash as payment.

·         As this is a relatively small carpark it can be used as a trial for the Parkmate app without too much difficulty, and it was anticipated that a standard payment machine could be installed if the app became problematic (people not having the right type of phone, being comfortable with the technology etc)

·         The proposed set up may in fact be useful to those attending the adjacent Courthouse as a receipt is necessary for those doing jury service to claim back their expenses.

·         Parkmate is also used in Hastings and by the DHB so there is some consistency across the region with people being able to use the app for multiple sites.

·         Education in downloading and using the app will be important.

Committee's Recommendation

Councillors Wright / White

That Council

a.       Establish the property at 292 Hastings Street, Napier, as an all-day casual car park.

b.       Agree that the parking fees be set at $1 per hour with an all-day rate of $5 per day

c.       Agree that the car park be trialled as a technology only payment system, with payment made by car parking App Parkmate.


Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda

3.      Funding application for Elite Road National Cycling Champs

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:


Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Kevin Murphy, Event Manager


3.1     Purpose of Report

To seek approval for the Marketing Department to apply for external funding to support the Elite Road National Cycling Champs to be held in Napier 5-8 January 2018



At the Maori Consultative Committee meeting

No discussion was held on this item.  


Mayor Dalton / T Aranui 

That the Council resolve that the Committee’s recommendation be adopted.



At the Meeting

The event has been very successful over the last two years and brings in good levels of revenue to the city.

Other sponsorship is received on top of this grant as well as contributions in kind.

Committee's Recommendation

Mayor Dalton / Councillor Taylor

That Council

a.   Approve an application for funding being made to the Lion Foundation for $50,000 to assist with costs to manage the Elite Road national Cycling Champs in January 2018.




Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda

Reports from Finance Committee
held 2 August 2017


1.      Cato Road Accessway

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:

Public Works Act 1981

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Debra Stewart, Team Leader Parks, Reserves, Sportsgrounds


[This paper has been considered as a new item on page 4].   


1.1     Purpose of Report

To gain Council approval for a Licence to Occupy. The proposed Licence to Occupy relates to a piece of land which forms part of the Wharerangi Cemetery and a portion of Council’s Paper Road.


The purpose of the Licence is for a road to access a commercial childcare centre that is proposed on an adjoining site. The childcare centre is subject to Resource Consent which is currently being considered by Council’s Planning Team.



At the Maori Consultative Committee meeting

No further discussion on this item was held. 


Councillor Tapine / Mayor Dalton 

That the Council resolve that the Committee’s recommendation be adopted.



At the Meeting

General agreement was expressed that the presentation and concept for the child care centre were excellent but the lack of consultation with neighbouring residents and cemetery users was a risk to Council. Significant discussion was held as to appropriate forms of engagement with the community on the matter.

It was specified that parts a, b and c of the officer’s recommendation would be moved, with the original part d and replaced by a direction that community engagement to be undertaken by officers prior to the meeting of Council on 16 August 2017.

Committee's Recommendation

Councillors Taylor / Tapine

That Council 

a.       Receive the report titled Cato Road Accessway

b.       Consider the information provided, including the issues and options outlined in this report.

c.       Approve the Licence to Occupy for the part of the cemetery and paper road as shown in Attachment A.

d.       Direct officers to undertake engagement with neighbouring residents and cemetery users on the proposed accessway (for example through a letter drop to neighbouring residents, a site notice in the area and social media) prior to the final decision of Council at its meeting scheduled for 16 August 2017.



Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda

2.      Community Outcome, Activities and Activity Groups

Type of Report:

Legal and Operational

Legal Reference:

Local Government Act 2002

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Elaine  Cooper, Corporate Planner


2.1     Purpose of Report

In preparation for the 2018–2028 Long Term Plan (LTP) a number of Policies, Strategies and building blocks are required to be adopted by Council. This report outlines the first set of building blocks to define Council’s overall direction for this LTP: Council’s Mission, Vision, Community Outcomes, Activities and Activity Groups through which Council will deliver on its outcomes. The report also identifies the community outcome to which each activity primarily contributes.


These statements provide the strategic direction for the preparation of activity and asset management plans and in the preparation of required policies and strategies.



At the Maori Consultative Committee meeting

No discussion on this item was held.


Councillor Tapine / Mayor Dalton 

That the Council resolve that the Committee’s recommendation be adopted.



At the Meeting

Council were pleased that the vision and new mission are clearly outlined, as well as the five primary outcomes to be delivered.

Committee's Recommendation

Councillors Hague / Brosnan

a.       That Council adopt the Mission, Vision, Community Outcomes and Council’s Activities and Activity Groups to be used for the preparation of the 2018 – 2028 LTP and supporting plans, policies and strategies.




Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda

3.      Civic and Library Building

Type of Report:

Legal and Operational

Legal Reference:

Building Act 2004

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Adele  Henderson, Director Corporate Services


3.1     Purpose of Report

To formally receive the Detailed Seismic Assessment (DSA) undertaken on the Civic and Library buildings and to approve the decanting of staff into alternative locations until such time a fit for purpose Council building is available.



At the Maori Consultative Committee meeting

Acknowledgement was made of the courage of Napier City Council staff for remaining in an earthquake prone building.  


Councillor Tapine / Mayor Dalton 

That the Council resolve that the Committee’s recommendation be adopted.



At the Meeting

Updated recommendations were tabled at the meeting (attachment A).

The Chief Executive spoke to the item, providing an update to information provided at a previous seminar on the topic. It was noted that the original intention to upgrade the library building in stages while staff were still in the building had been assessed by engineers as unfeasible due to noise and construction issues.

While the preference was to keep teams together as much as possible, there were also some key criteria that any building had to meet in order to be considered acceptable:

·         A current seismic assessment, or recent strengthening work with an engineer’s assessment

·         Fire safety certification

·         Toxins certification (particularly but not limited to asbestos in keeping with regulations that will be implemented in the near future)

·         A high standard of accessibility

Three smaller sites have been identified which meet the criteria and negotiations are underway to finalise likely costs. The sites are essentially empty ‘ shells’ and fit outs cannot begin until a lease is signed.

The need to act in the best interests of staff safety and wellbeing was reiterated strongly. This, as well as the timing of required fitouts and availability of contractors to complete the work, were some key considerations in the decision to present the recommendations for a Decision of Council at this meeting.

In response to questions from Councillors it was clarified that:

·         The signage on buildings identifying them as earthquake prone is required under law.

·         A business case on options for the Civic Building is currently being prepared by officers and will be brought to Council in the near future.

Work is underway to better clarify the expected timeframes for the work on the Library Building. A motion was proposed that the decision lie on the table until the Council meeting of 16 August 2017.

Item(s) of business to lie on the table

Councillors Brosnan / Jeffery

That pursuant to Standing Order 3.12.1 that Item 3 – Civic and Library Building lie on the table and will not be further discussed at this meeting but will be reconsidered at the Council meeting scheduled to be held on 16 August 2017.


Committee's Recommendation

Councillors Wise / Brosnan

That Council:

a.       Receive the Detailed Seismic Assessment report undertaken by Strata Group.

b.       Approve the relocation of staff to alternative locations within Napier that meet the due diligence requirements.

c.       Approve the capitalisation of improvement and lease costs associated with alternative premises to be funded from the building upgrade budget.

d.       Seek any variance in funding through the Long Term Plan 2018-28.

e.       Note that Council will undertake a Special Consultative Procedure on the proposed options for the Civic Building and potential Commercial development opportunities approximately October 2017.  A separate consultation on Library options will be undertaken once the Library Strategy has been completed.

f.       Provide the Chief Executive delegation up to $1m per annum to undertake and sign lease negotiations to accommodate staff, customer services and a library service centre for a period of 2/3 years with rights of renewals up to 5 years

g.       Provide the Chief Executive delegation up to $1m to undertake fitout requirements for staff, customer services and library service centre requirements

h.       That a DECISION OF COUNCIL is required urgently due to the timeframe within which lease agreements must be finalised to secure appropriate alternative office space.

i.        This will require the following resolution to be passed before the decision of Council is taken:

That, in terms of Section 82 (3) of the Local Government Act 2002, that the principles set out in that section have been observed in such manner that the Napier City Council considers, in its discretion, is appropriate to make decisions on the recommendation.



Decision of Council

Mayor Dalton / Councillor Wright

That, in terms of Section 82 (3) of the Local Government Act 2002, that the principles set out in that section have been observed in such manner that the Napier City Council considers, in its discretion, is appropriate to make decisions on the recommendation.



(Resolved at the Finance Committee on 2 August 2017)

Councillors Taylor / Price

That Council:

a.       Receive the Detailed Seismic Assessment report undertaken by Strata Group.

b.      Approve the relocation of staff to alternative locations within Napier that meet the due diligence requirements.

c.       Approve the capitalisation of improvement and lease costs associated with alternative premises to be funded from the building upgrade budget.

d.      Seek any variance in funding through the Long Term Plan 2018-28.

e.       Note that Council will undertake a Special Consultative Procedure on the proposed options for the Civic Building and potential Commercial development opportunities approximately October 2017.  A separate consultation on Library options will be undertaken once the Library Strategy has been completed.

f.       Provide the Chief Executive delegation up to $1m per annum to undertake and sign lease negotiations to accommodate staff, customer services and a library service centre for a period of 2/3 years with rights of renewals up to 5 years.

g.      Provide the Chief Executive delegation up to $1m to undertake fitout requirements for staff, customer services and library service centre requirements.



Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda

4.      Remuneration of Elected Members

Type of Report:

Operational and Procedural

Legal Reference:

Local Government Act 2002

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Adele  Henderson, Director Corporate Services


4.1     Purpose of Report

To advise Council of the proposed remuneration levels to apply for the 2017/2018 year, as received from the Remuneration Authority, and to seek Council approval of these.



At the Maori Consultative Committee meeting

No discussion on this item was held.


Councillor Tapine / Mayor Dalton 

That the Council resolve that the Committee’s recommendation be adopted.



Committee's Recommendation

Councillors Wright / White

a.       That the remuneration levels proposed by the Remuneration Authority for the 2017/18 year be adopted.

b.       That confirmation be sent to the Remuneration Authority that the adopted remuneration levels will be implemented from 1 July 2017.




Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda

5.      Electoral Systems for Elections

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:

Local Electoral Act 1991

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Jane McLoughlin, Team Leader Governance


5.1     Purpose of Report

To outline the process for making any changes to the electoral system to be used for the 2019 elections. 



At the Maori Consultative Committee meeting

The Mayor outlined that there are two choices, whether to retain First Past the Post or move to Single Transferable Vote. 


Councillor Tapine / Mayor Dalton 

That the Council resolve that the Committee’s recommendation be adopted.



Committee's Recommendation

Councillors Price / McGrath

That Council

a.       Receive the report titled Electoral Systems for Elections.

b.       Note that if Council wishes to make a decision to change the electoral system to STV for the 2019 elections, a decision will need to be made by 12 September 2017. 

c.       Note that staff will undertake an education campaign and consultation process and report back to Council on the community’s views to inform Council’s decision-making.  A report back will be provided at the Strategy and Infrastructure Committee meeting on 30 August for Council to make a decision on the electoral system.    




Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda

6.      New Year's Eve Event - Funding Applications

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:


Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Belinda  McLeod, Community Funding Advisor


6.1     Purpose of Report

To seek approval to apply for external funding to support the New Year’s Eve event for 2017-18.



At the Maori Consultative Committee meeting

No discussion was held on this item. 


Councillor Tapine / Mayor Dalton 

That the Council resolve that the Committee’s recommendation be adopted.



Committee's Recommendation

Councillors Wright / Taylor

a.       That the Council apply to external funders as outlined in Table a.

b.       That a DECISION OF COUNCIL is required urgently. This will require the following resolution to be passed before the decision of Council is taken:

That, in terms of Section 82 (3) of the Local Government Act 2002, that the principles set out in that section have been observed in such manner that the Napier City Council considers, in its discretion, is appropriate to make decisions on the recommendation.





Decision of Council

Councillors Price / Wright

That, in terms of Section 82 (3) of the Local Government Act 2002, that the principles set out in that section have been observed in such manner that the Napier City Council considers, in its discretion, is appropriate to make decisions on the recommendation.




Council Resolution

(Resolved at the Finance Committee on 2 August 2017)

Councillors Wright / Brosnan

That the Council apply to external funders as outlined in Table a:


External Funder

Apply for funding up to:

Pub Charity Ltd


Eastern & Central Community Trust




North and South Trust


First Sovereign Trust


Infinity Foundation


Grassroots Trust








Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda

Reports from Community Services Committee
held 2 August 2017


1.      Napier Social Monitor report - 2017

Type of Report:

Enter Significance of Report

Legal Reference:

Enter Legal Reference

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Michele Grigg, Senior Advisor Policy


1.1     Purpose of Report

To provide a summary of findings from the Napier Social Monitor report 2017.



At the Maori Consultative Committee meeting

No discussion on this item was held. 


Mayor Dalton / L Ratima

That the Council resolve that the Committee’s recommendation be adopted.



At the Meeting

In response to questions from councillors, it was clarified that:

·         Information from the report is available to other agencies via our public website but is not directly shared.

·         No other agencies contribute towards the cost of the report.

·         The type of information included in the report is under review. This is because many matters, while interesting as an indicator of shifts in themes for the community, are not within the scope of Council to make changes if required.

It was suggested that the report may only need to be produced triennially as a useful tool for incoming councillors. The statistics reported may also be useful to provide a more balanced picture to issues of debate within the community where the majority may feel differently to submitters through other channels.

Committee's Recommendation

Councillors Jeffery / Taylor

That Council

a.   receives the Napier Social Monitor report 2017.




Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda

Reports from Maori Consultative Committee
held 9 August 2017


1.      Update on review of Maori Consultative Committee TOR

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:


Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Jane McLoughlin, Team Leader Governance


1.1     Purpose of Report

To outline progress since the last update on the review of the Maori Consultative Committee’s Terms of Reference (TOR).



At the Meeting

Councillor Tapine spoke to this item.

In particular, there had been some difficulty in progressing this work, and it was noted that the committee members had large workloads. To date, one out of four proposed meetings had been undertaken as well as a meeting with Wairoa District Council.


Maori Consultative Committee's Recommendation

T Aranui / L Ratima

That the Maori Consultative Committee:

a.       Receive a verbal update on progress of the review of the Maori Consultative Committee.



Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda

2.      Maori Wards

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:

Local Electoral Act 1991

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Jane McLoughlin, Team Leader Governance


2.1     Purpose of Report

To outline the process for consideration of Māori Wards for the 2019 elections.  



At the Meeting

Key points of discussion included:

-     Across the country, the results of a poll on Māori Wards have generally been against establishing them. 

-     Voter turnout is low, particularly for Māori.

-     If Māori Wards were introduced in Napier, this may reduce the number of votes for Māori representatives.  

-     Despite some reservations about Māori Wards, the Committee welcomed the opportunity to consult on it.  


Maori Consultative Committee's Recommendation

L Ratima / T Aranui

That the Māori Consultative Committee

a.       Receive the report titled Māori Wards.

b.       Note that there is an opportunity to discuss and consult with local Māori prior to the decision on Māori Wards being put to Council.

c.       Discuss and provide direction on preferred consultation options for Māori Wards.   

d.       Note that staff will undertake consultation and report back to the Māori Committee and the Council on views received to inform Council’s decision-making.  A report back will be provided at the 20 September Māori Consultative Committee meeting. 




Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda

Reports Under Delegated Authority

1.      Requests for Official Information

Type of Report:

Enter Significance of Report

Legal Reference:

Enter Legal Reference

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Sarah Ashworth, PA to Chief Executive


1.1     Purpose of Report

To report on written requests for official information received to 31 July 2017


Officer’s Recommendation

That Council

a.   Receive the report Local Government Official Information Requests to 31 July 2017.




That the Council officer’s recommendation be adopted.




1.2     Attachments

a       Requests for Official Information   

Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda






Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda

Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda

Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda

2.      Tenders Let

Type of Report:

Enter Significance of Report

Legal Reference:

Enter Legal Reference

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Sarah Ashworth, PA to Chief Executive


2.1     Purpose of Report

To report on Tenders Let under delegated authority from 07 July 2017 to 31 July 2017


Officer’s Recommendation








No Tenders to advise to Council for this period of reporting.



2.2     Attachments


Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda

3.      Schedule of Documents Executed Under Seal

Type of Report:

Enter Significance of Report

Legal Reference:

Enter Legal Reference

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Sarah Ashworth, PA to Chief Executive


3.1     Purpose of Report

To report of documents executed under seal from 07 July 2017 to 31 July 2017.



Officer’s Recommendation

That Council

a.   Receive the report.




That the officer’s recommendation be adopted.




Schedule of Documents Executed Under Seal

For the Period 07.06.17 to 31.07.17



Presenting Officer





Easement in Gross 39 Hetley St

Colin Hunt


License to occupy drainage reserve

Jenny Martin


Merger of Lease Agreement

Jenny Martin


Warrant Issued under Council Parking Control Bylaw 2014

Debbie Heal


Warrant issued under Resource Management Act 1991

Eric Le Roux


Warrant issued under Freedom Camping Act 2011

Hayleigh Brereton


Warrant issued under Freedom Camping Act 2011

Hayleigh Brereton


Easement in Gross – 154 Auckland Rd

Paul O’Shaughnessy


Deed of Surrender if Lease 589 Marine Parade

Jenny Martin


Easement instrument – Airport Noise Boundary

Jenny Martin


Easement instrument – Airport Noise Boundary

Jenny Martin


Easement in Gross

Colin Hunt






3.2     Attachments


Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda

4.      Resource Consents

Type of Report:

Enter Significance of Report

Legal Reference:

Enter Legal Reference

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Sarah Ashworth, PA to Chief Executive


4.1     Purpose of Report

To present the report on Resource Consents issued under delegated authority for 13 June to 1 August 2017.


Officer’s Recommendation

That Council

a.   Receive the report.




That the officer’s recommendation be adopted.



Attached are the Resource Consents issued under delegated authority for 13 June to 1 August 2017.


4.2     Attachments

a       Resource Consents   

Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda









That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting, namely:


New Reports

1.         Taradale Community Rooms - Refurbishment Funding

Reports from Strategy and Infrastructure Committee held 19 July 2017

1.         CBD Security Patrols

2.         Citizen's Civic Award recommended recipients

Reports from Regulatory Committee held 19 July 2017

1.         Street Naming-150 Guppy Road

Reports from Community Services Committee held 2 August 2017

1.         Arts Advisory Panel Recommendations - Doris Tragedy Commission



The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public was excluded, the reasons for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under Section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution were as follows:





That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information where the withholding of the information is necessary to:


48(1)(a) That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist:

New Reports

1.  Taradale Community Rooms - Refurbishment Funding

7(2)(i) Enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations)

48(1)A That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist:
(i) Where the local authority is named or specified in Schedule 1 of this Act, under Section 6 or 7  (except 7(2)(f)(i)) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

Reports from Strategy and Infrastructure Committee held 19 July 2017

1.  CBD Security Patrols

7(2)(b)(ii) Protect information where the making available of the information would be likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who is the subject of the information

48(1)A That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist:
(i) Where the local authority is named or specified in Schedule 1 of this Act, under Section 6 or 7  (except 7(2)(f)(i)) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

2.  Citizen's Civic Award recommended recipients

7(2)(a) Protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person

48(1)A That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist:
(i) Where the local authority is named or specified in Schedule 1 of this Act, under Section 6 or 7  (except 7(2)(f)(i)) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

Reports from Regulatory Committee held 19 July 2017

1.  Street Naming-150 Guppy Road

7(2)(a) Protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person

48(1)A That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist:
(i) Where the local authority is named or specified in Schedule 1 of this Act, under Section 6 or 7  (except 7(2)(f)(i)) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

Reports from Community Services Committee held 2 August 2017

1.  Arts Advisory Panel Recommendations - Doris Tragedy Commission

7(2)(a) Protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person

48(1)A That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist:
(i) Where the local authority is named or specified in Schedule 1 of this Act, under Section 6 or 7  (except 7(2)(f)(i)) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.






Civic Building

231 Hastings Street, Napier

Phone:  (06) 835 7579




Ordinary Meeting of Council







Meeting Date:

Wednesday 28 June 2017




Port of Napier Education Room

Ground Floor

MTG Hawke’s Bay

Herschell Street, Napier




The Mayor (In the Chair), Councillors Boag, Brosnan, Dallimore, Hague, Jeffery, McGrath, Price, Tapine, Taylor, Wise and Wright

In Attendance:

Chief Executive, Director Corporate Services, Director City Infrastructure, Director City Services, Director Community Services, Manager Communications and Marketing


Governance Team




Ordinary Meeting of Council16 August 2017 Open Agenda




Councillors Boag / Wright

That the apologies from Deputy Mayor Faye White be accepted.





Public forum


Announcements by the Mayor


Announcements by the Management

The viewing platform has been temporarily closed following another act of vandalism against the glass. The glass will be replaced next week and other options are being investigated moving forward.


With the adjustments required to the venues of Council’s public meeting rooms, the opportunity will be taken to increase accessibility to the public through using a variety of suburban locations including the Taradale Hall, Napier Girls High School, Pukemokimoki Marae, as well as the conference centre. Meeting venues will be confirmed as soon as possible.

Confirmation of Minutes


Councillors Price / Wise

That the Draft Minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 17 May 2017 be confirmed as a true and accurate record of the meeting.





Councillors Taylor / McGrath

The Council resolves, in terms of Section 82 (3) of the Local Government Act 2002, that the principles set out in that section have been observed in such manner that the Napier City Council consider, in its discretion, is appropriate to make decisions on the recommendations set out in this agenda (including the Public Excluded section).




New Reports

1.      Adoption of Amended Capital Plan for Inclusion in the Annual Plan 2017/18

Type of Report:

Enter Significance of Report

Legal Reference:

Enter Legal Reference

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Caroline Thomson, Chief Financial Officer


1.1     Purpose of Report

To adopt the amended Capital Plan for inclusion in the Napier City Council Annual Plan 2017/18.


At the Meeting

It was agreed that, while typically a rates increase of 1% would be an uncomfortable decision, the purpose of the increased funding is considered responsible and essential in allowing Council to optimise its potable water services.



Councillors Jeffery / Wise

That Council

a.       Resolve that the amended Capital Plan be adopted and included in the Napier City Council Annual Plan 2017/18.





2.      Adopting of Annual Plan 2017/18

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:

Local Government Act 2002

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Adele  Henderson, Director Corporate Services


2.1     Purpose of Report

To adopt the 2017/18 Annual Plan in accordance with the Local Government Act 2002.


At the Meeting

It was noted that the capital plan is significant, particularly in the next financial year, and it will be important to give it due focus over the upcoming year/s.






Councillors Wise / Wright

That Council

a.       Resolve that the Napier City Council Annual Plan 2017/18 be received.

b.      Adopt the Annual Plan 2017/18 subject to any minor changes or recommendations from Council on the water related issue.





3.      Transitional provisions for section 17A of Local Government Act

Type of Report:

Legal and Operational

Legal Reference:

Local Government Act 2002

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Rachael Horton, Manager Business Excellence & Transformation


3.1     Purpose of Report

The purpose of the report is to update Council on compliance with the transitional provision for section 17A service reviews, under the Local Government Act. 


At the Meeting

There was no discussion on this item.



Councillors Hague / Brosnan

That Council:

a.   Note that Napier City Council has complied with the transitional provision requiring councils to review all services by 8 August 2017, as set out in Clause 2, Schedule 1AA of the Local Government Act.

b.   Note that section 17A service delivery reviews will continue on a prioritised basis as already reported to Council at the Finance Committee meeting on 14 June [refer report 356245: Section 17A Review Work Programme Plan]. 






4.      Local Government New Zealand GST Remit Proposal

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:


Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Bill Dalton, Mayor


4.1     Purpose of Report

To obtain Council support for a GST Remit being proposed by Gisborne District Council for the 2017 Annual General Meeting of Local Government New Zealand (LGNZ) to be held on 25 July 2017.


At the Meeting

Napier City Council has been asked to support this remit by the Mayor of Gisborne District Council. While it not expected that central government would ever contribute a portion of GST back into the regions, it is hoped that the remit will raise the topic and therefore create the opportunity to discuss other options as to how regional tourism may be contributed to. For example, one option may be to introduce a border levy for tourists entering the country, which is apportioned annually into regions according to credit spend in their region.


It was agreed that delegates to the Local Government New Zealand AGM would report back following the conference on the remits raised, the new president and other items of interest.



Mayor Dalton / Councillor Jeffery

That Council:

a.       Receive the report;

b.      Formally support the GST Remit being submitted to Local Government New Zealand for consideration at the 2017 Annual General Meeting





5.      Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee - Draft Minutes 6 June 2017

Type of Report:

Enter Significance of Report

Legal Reference:

Enter Legal Reference

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Deborah Smith, Governance Advisor


5.1     Purpose of Report

To present to Council the draft minutes of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee Meeting held on 6 June 2017.



At the Meeting

There was no discussion on this item.



Councillors Jeffery / Dallimore

That Council

a.       Receive the draft minutes of the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee Meeting held on 6 June 2017.











Reports from Strategy and Infrastructure Committee
held 31 May 2017


1.      Retail Strategy

Type of Report:

Enter Significance of Report

Legal Reference:

Enter Legal Reference

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Dean Moriarity, Team Leader Policy Planning


1.1     Purpose of Report

The purpose of this report is for Council to acknowledge its existing Retail Strategy, confirm its philosophical approach as still sound, and to authorise officers to review the strategy to ensure it remains fit for purpose for the next several years.


At the Meeting

There was no discussion on this item.


Councillors Price / Tapine

That Council

a.       Acknowledge that the basic philosophical approach and strategic direction of the existing Retail Strategy (2003) remains fundamentally sound and

b.      Authorise a review of the existing Retail Strategy, including a seminar for elected members, to ensure it remains ‘fit for purpose’ whilst noting the intention to retain the current overall strategic direction.






2.      Heritage Improvement Grant Administration Changes

Type of Report:

Operational and Procedural

Legal Reference:


Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Fleur  Lincoln, Strategic Planning Lead


2.1     Purpose of Report

The purpose of this report is to obtain Council’s approval to redistribute Napier City Council’s Heritage Improvement Grant to the Art Deco Trust, so that it may be added to a much larger funding pool available for the restoration of Napier’s heritage.


At the Meeting

It was noted that the $20,000 in funding is to be drawn from a combination of the signage  fund and heritage grants fund which together total $25,000. The signage fund is under-subscribed so this provides a good purpose for the money.


Councillors Wright / Hague

That Council:

a.       Agree to disestablish the Napier City Council Heritage Improvement Grant annual fund of $10,000 per year as of 30 June 2016, and combine the funding with the signage fund  to form a total pool of $25,000.

b.      Approve that for the 2017/18 financial year, the combined fund allocation to a total of $20,000 be transferred to the Art Deco Trust to combine with a larger Robert McGregor Heritage Fund; and

c.       Approve that an agreement to manage the administration and expectations associated with this be prepared.

d.      Direct that a report be prepared to Council by the Art Deco Trust six months after the launch of the Heritage Fund, advising on any external funding sourced. 






3.      Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy 2120 - Progress Update

Type of Report:

Enter Significance of Report

Legal Reference:

Enter Legal Reference

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

James  Minehan, Development Planner


3.1     Purpose of Report

To inform and update Council about the progress on the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazard Strategy since the last report presented to Council in June 2016 and to obtain approval of funding additional unbudgeted expenditure.


At the Meeting

There was no discussion on this item.



Councillors Dallimore / Jeffery

That Council:


a.       Receives the Officer’s Report Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy 2120 – Progress Update.

b.      Receives the following reports adopted by the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee (28 February 2017):

- Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy 2120: Coastal Hazard           Assessment, Tonkin & Taylor, May 2016 (Attachment A).

-    Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy 2120: Coastal Risk Assessment Tonkin & Taylor, May 2016 (Attachment B)

-    Stage Two Report: Decision Making Framework, Mitchell Daysh, February 2017, (Attachment C)

c.       Endorses the updated Terms of Reference (Attachment D) adopted by the Clifton to Tangoio Coastal Hazards Strategy Joint Committee (5 December 2016).

d.      Notes that the forecast project costs have now been incurred and that funding of $110,000 will be sourced from year end budgets.






4.      Land legalisation - 2 Hastings Street & 12 Browning Street, Napier

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:

Public Works Act 1981

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Bryan  Faulknor, Manager Property

Jenny Martin, Property and Facilities Officer


4.1     Purpose of Report

To obtain Council approval, pursuant to Section 114 of the Public Works Act 1981 to declare the land in the Schedule to be road.


At the Meeting

There was no discussion on this item.


Councillors Price / Brosnan

That Council

a.       Consents, in accordance with Section 114 of the Public Works Act 1981, to the land described in the Schedule hereto to be declared road and vested in the Napier City Council.



Hawke’s Bay Land District – Napier City


Area (ha)

Legal Description

Certificate of Title


Lot 8 DP 6356

HB 56/57


Lot 9 DP 6356

HB 56/59







Reports from Finance Committee
held 14 June 2017


1.      Funding Applications

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:

Local Government Act 2002

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Belinda  McLeod, Community Funding Advisor


1.1     Purpose of Report

To seek approval to apply for external funding to purchase two all-terrain wheelchairs for community use on the foreshore and inline hockey rink boards for Bay Skate.


At the Meeting

There was no discussion on this item.


Councillors Wise / McGrath

That Council:

a.       Approve that applications for external funding are made to purchase of two all-terrain wheelchairs.

b.      Approve that applications for external funding are made to purchase inline hockey rink boards for Bay Skate.




2.      Fees & Charges 2017/18

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:

Local Government Act 2002

Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Caroline Thomson, Chief Financial Officer


2.1     Purpose of Report

To approve Fees and Charges for the year commencing 1 July 2017.


At the Meeting


There was no discussion on this item.











At the Finance Committee meeting held on Wednesday, 14 June 2017 the following committee recommendation was ratified as a DECISION OF COUNCIL.


Councillors Price / Tapine

That Council


a.       Adopt the Schedule of Fees and Charges for 2017/18. 


b.      Note that once the Schedule of Fees and Charges for           2017/18 has been adopted, it will form part of the supporting           information for the 2017/18 Annual Plan. 






3.      Section 17A Review Work Programme Plan

Type of Report:

Legal and Operational

Legal Reference:

Local Government Act 2002

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Rachael Horton, Manager Business Excellence & Transformation


3.1     Purpose of Report

The purpose of this paper provide Council with an update on the progress of the Local Government Act (2002) Section 17A service delivery reviews


At the Meeting

There was no discussion on this item.


Councillors Wright / Hague

That Council

a.       Note that Local Government Act Section (2002) 17A of the Local Government Act places an obligation on local authorities to routinely review their services for cost effectiveness.

b.      Note the timeframe for the reviews Napier City Council will undertake. 

c.       Endorse the proposed schedule of Section 17A reviews.






4.      HB LASS Limited - Statement of Intent

Type of Report:

Operational and Procedural

Legal Reference:

Local Government Act 2002

Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Adele  Henderson, Director Corporate Services


41.1   Purpose of Report

To receive the Final Statement of Intent 2017/18 for Hawke’s Bay Local Authority Shared Services Limited (HB LASS Ltd) to Council as part of the reporting requirements for Council-Controlled Organisations.    



At the Meeting


There was no discussion on this item.



Councillors Wise / Boag

That Council:

a.   Receive the Final approved Statement of Intent for 2017/18 for HB LASS Limited (HB LASS Ltd).




5.      HB Museums Trust Statement of Intent 2017 - 19

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:

Local Government Act 2002

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Adele  Henderson, Director Corporate Services


5.1     Purpose of Report

To receive the final Statement of Intent 2017 – 19 for the Hawke’s Bay Museums Trust to Council required for reporting requirements for Council-Controlled Organisations. 


At the Meeting

There was no discussion on this item.


Councillors Wright / Brosnan

That Council:

Receive the final Hawke’s Bay Museums Trust Statement of Intent 2017 – 19.




6.      Hawke's Bay Airport Limited - Statement of Intent

Type of Report:

Operational and Procedural

Legal Reference:

Local Government Act 2002

Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Adele  Henderson, Director Corporate Services


61.1   Purpose of Report

To receive the final Statement of Intent 2017/18 for Hawke’s Bay Airport Limited (HBAL) to Council required for reporting requirements for Council-Controlled Organisations.    


At the Meeting


There was no discussion on this item.



Councillors Taylor / Tapine

That Council:

a.   Receive the final Statement of Intent for 2017/18 for Hawke’s Bay Airport Limited (HBAL).




Reports from Community Services Committee
held 14 June 2017


1.      Taradale Community Rooms Refurbishment Proposal

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:


Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Natasha  Carswell, Manager Community Strategies


1.1     Purpose of Report

To seek Council’s approval to continue to use the Taradale Community Rooms, once refurbished, to accommodate community groups, with the building to be used as transitionary or permanent accommodation for the Napier Community Hub and to investigate the potential for the rooms becoming a multi-use community centre in the future.


At the Meeting

In response to a question from Councillors it was advised that there is no update on feedback from community groups currently based in the Hub as officers have been waiting for the final approval from Council at this meeting prior to further communications to them.






Councillors Wright / Taylor

That Council

a.       Approve that the Taradale Community Rooms continue to accommodate the community groups, and

b.      Note that further investigation will be undertaken to determine how the rooms could be run as a multi-use community centre in the future.





Reports from Audit and Risk Committee
held 15 June 2017


1.      Tax update

Type of Report:

Legal and Operational

Legal Reference:


Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Caroline Thomson, Chief Financial Officer


1.1     Purpose of Report

To provide the Committee with an update on tax matters relating to Council.


At the Meeting


There was no discussion on this item.



Councillors Wise / Taylor

That the Committee

a.       Receive the presentation by Phil Fisher on tax matters.




2.      Update on Water Risk

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:


Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Caroline Thomson, Chief Financial Officer


2.1     Purpose of Report

To provide the Committee with an update on Council’s water risk.



At the Meeting


It was advised that the water risk update was moved into the public excluded section of the Audit and Risk meeting during the meeting.





Reports Under Delegated Authority

1.      Requests for official information

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:

Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Jane McLoughlin, Team Leader Governance


1.1     Purpose of Report

To report on requests made under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 (LGOIMA) for the period ending 6 June 2017. 


At the Meeting


There was no discussion on this item.



Councillors Jeffery / Tapine

That Council:

a.       Receive the report Requests for official information received for the period ending 19 June 2017


b.      Note the release of information on the War Memorial Hall from public excluded meetings including 30 June 2015, Extraordinary meeting of council; 12 August 2015, Council meeting; and 27 January 2016, City Services Committee.





2.      Resource Consents issued under delegated authority

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:


Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Sarah Ashworth, PA to Chief Executive


2.1     Purpose of Report

To present the report on Resource consents issued under delegated authority from 18 May 17 to 09 June 17.





At the Meeting


There was no discussion on this item.



Councillors Jeffery / Tapine

That Council:

Receive the report on Resource consents issued under delegated authority from 18 May 2017 to 9 June 2017.





3.      Tenders Let

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:

Local Government Act 2002

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Sarah Ashworth, PA to Chief Executive


3.1     Purpose of Report

To report on tenders let under delegated authority from 16 May 2017 to 09 June 2017.


At the Meeting


There was no discussion on this item.



Councillors Jeffery / Tapine

That Council:

Receive the report on tenders let under delegated authority from 16 May 2017 to 9 June 2017. 





4.      Documents Executed Under Seal

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:

Local Government Act 2002

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Sarah Ashworth, PA to Chief Executive


4.1     Purpose of Report

To provide the Schedule of Documents Executed Under Seal from 18 May 2017 to 16 June 2017.


At the Meeting


There was no discussion on this item.


Councillors Jeffery / Tapine

That Council:

Receive the report of Documents executed under seal from 18 May 2017 to 16 June 2017. 











Councillors Wright / Price

That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.



New Reports

1.         Decisions made by Grants Allocation subcommittee

Reports from Finance Committee held 14 June 2017

1.         Hawke's Bay Airport Limited - Report to Shareholders

2.         Bad Debt Write Off

Reports from Audit and Risk Committee held 15 June 2017

1.         Napier City Council Annual Plan 2017/18

2.         Risk Management Report May 2017

3.         HB LASS Provision of Internal Audit Services

4.         Audit NZ - Interim Management Report

5.         Napier City Council Investment and Debt Report

6.         Health and Safety Report 31 May 2017

7.         Insurance Update


The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public was excluded, the reasons for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under Section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution were as follows:





That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information where the withholding of the information is necessary to:


48(1)(a) That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist:

New Reports

1.  Decisions made by Grants Allocation subcommittee

7(2)(i) Enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations)

48(1)A That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist:
(i) Where the local authority is named or specified in Schedule 1 of this Act, under Section 6 or 7  (except 7(2)(f)(i)) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

Reports from Finance Committee held 14 June 2017

1.  Hawke's Bay Airport Limited - Report to Shareholders

7(2)(h) Enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities

48(1)A That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist:
(i) Where the local authority is named or specified in Schedule 1 of this Act, under Section 6 or 7  (except 7(2)(f)(i)) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

2.  Bad Debt Write Off

7(2)(a) Protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person

7(2)(h) Enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities

48(1)A That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist:
(i) Where the local authority is named or specified in Schedule 1 of this Act, under Section 6 or 7  (except 7(2)(f)(i)) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

Reports from Audit and Risk Committee held 15 June 2017

1.  Napier City Council Annual Plan 2017/18

7(2)(c)(i) Protect information which is subject to an obligation of confidence or which any person has been or could be compelled to provide under the authority of any enactment, where the making available of the information would be likely to prejudice the supply of similar information or information from the same source and it is in the public interest that such information should continue to be supplied

48(1)A That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist:
(i) Where the local authority is named or specified in Schedule 1 of this Act, under Section 6 or 7  (except 7(2)(f)(i)) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

2.  Risk Management Report May 2017

7(2)(e) Avoid prejudice to measures that prevent or mitigate material loss to members of the public

48(1)A That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist:
(i) Where the local authority is named or specified in Schedule 1 of this Act, under Section 6 or 7  (except 7(2)(f)(i)) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

3.  HB LASS Provision of Internal Audit Services

7(2)(h) Enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities

48(1)A That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist:
(i) Where the local authority is named or specified in Schedule 1 of this Act, under Section 6 or 7  (except 7(2)(f)(i)) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

4.  Audit NZ - Interim Management Report

7(2)(g) Maintain legal professional privilege

48(1)A That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist:
(i) Where the local authority is named or specified in Schedule 1 of this Act, under Section 6 or 7  (except 7(2)(f)(i)) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

5.  Napier City Council Investment and Debt Report

7(2)(b)(ii) Protect information where the making available of the information would be likely unreasonably to prejudice the commercial position of the person who supplied or who is the subject of the information

48(1)A That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist:
(i) Where the local authority is named or specified in Schedule 1 of this Act, under Section 6 or 7  (except 7(2)(f)(i)) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

6.  Health and Safety Report 31 May 2017

7(2)(d) Avoid prejudice to measures protecting the health and safety of members of the public

48(1)A That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist:
(i) Where the local authority is named or specified in Schedule 1 of this Act, under Section 6 or 7  (except 7(2)(f)(i)) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

7.  Insurance Update

7(2)(h) Enable the local authority to carry out, without prejudice or disadvantage, commercial activities

48(1)A That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist:
(i) Where the local authority is named or specified in Schedule 1 of this Act, under Section 6 or 7  (except 7(2)(f)(i)) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.


The meeting concluded at 3.17pm.











DATE OF APPROVAL:____________________





Civic Building

231 Hastings Street, Napier

Phone:  (06) 835 7579




Extraordinary Meeting of Council







Meeting Date:

Wednesday 12 July 2017




Small Exhibition Hall,

Napier Conference Centre, Marine Parade




The Mayor (In the Chair), Councillors Boag, Brosnan, Dallimore, Jeffery, McGrath, Price, Tapine, Taylor, White, Wise and Wright

In Attendance:

Chief Executive, Director Corporate Services, Director City Strategy, Director Community Services, Manager Communications and Marketing , Chief Financial Officer, Revenue and Treasury Manager, Rates Coordinator, Manager Business Transformation and Excellence


Governance Team







Councillors Wright/ Brosnan

That the apologies from Cr Claire Hague be accepted.





Public forum

Clare Plug spoke to Council regarding her concerns on the proposed rates increase and particularly the 1% increase directly attributable to changes in water services.  She noted that her household, along with many others, was on a fixed income with little ability to absorb increases in costs, and suggested that savings should be found within existing programmes of work, or that proposed projects not progress in order to redirect the savings into the water space.

Announcements by the Mayor

The Mayor advised that the trip to Canada as a sister city delegate to their anniversary celebrations had been very successful and those who had attended had represented the particular strengths of Napier, including Art Deco, very well.

Announcements by the Management




Councillors Wise / Price

The Council resolves, in terms of Section 82 (3) of the Local Government Act 2002, that the principles set out in that section have been observed in such manner that the Napier City Council consider, in its discretion, is appropriate to make decisions on the recommendations set out in this agenda (including the Public Excluded section).









New Reports

1.      Formal Resolution - Rates 2017/18

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:

Local Government (Rating) Act 2002

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Ian  Condon, Revenue and Treasury Manager


1.1     Purpose of Report

To set rates for 2017/18 in accordance with the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002.




At the Meeting

The Chief Executive spoke briefly to the item, noting:

·         The proposed rates increase of 4.9% remains within and slightly lower than the 5% increase forecast for the year within the Long Term Plan.

·         Napier City Council’s rates remains lower than comparable Councils by an approximate average of $300 per ratepayer.

·         The big driver for the water specific rates increase are the changing expectations following the inquiry into the Havelock North water borne illness, much of which could not be forecast. For example:

o   The creation of a new Drinking Water Quality Manager role

o   Undertaking a significant testing regime

o   Additional network maintenance and

o   Capital works.

·         Efficiencies are actively sought across all Council activities both through the Local Government Excellence Programme and the s17a reviews, and any savings identified are reallocated within existing activities. 


In response to questions from Councillors it was advised that:

·         The $150,000 for water capital works is primarily related to moving the 11 bore heads as required following water inquiry identification of issues around bore security.


Several Councillors spoke to the item, noting:

·         There is a high awareness amongst the elected members of the impacts of a rates increase on some households, and that rates increases do get passed on as rent increases therefore widening the overall implications for the city.

·         Notwithstanding this, it is believed that the rates increase, while not considered palatable is necessary at this point in time to ensure that the core business of infrastructure is able to be addressed now, and possible future changes (such as chlorination and UV treatment of drinking water) prepared for.

·         The Long Term Planning process is now beginning and this is an excellent and appropriate time to consult with the community on what they see as the most important areas for Council to focus on over the next ten years. There may be a change in priorities through this process.

·         Napier not only has very low rates comparable to other Councils but also includes a great deal within these rates that other areas pay for separately (for example, rubbish collection).


Mayor Dalton / Councillor Wise

That the Napier City Council

set the following rates under the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002, on rating units in the city for the financial year commencing on 1 July 2017 and ending on 30 June 2018, and that all such rates shall be inclusive of Goods and Services Tax (GST).




A general rate set under Section 13 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 made on every rating unit, assessed on a differential basis on the rateable land value to apply to the Differential Groups and Differential Codes as follows:








General rate

- cents in the $








Except 3.3.8

















A Uniform Annual General Charge of $366.00 per separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit for all rateable land (except that under Differential Code 3.3.8), set under Section 15 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002.


A nil UAGC will apply for land included in 3.3.8.


(C)     WATER RATES as follows:


1.       Fire Protection Rate


A targeted rate for fire protection, set under Section 16 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 on a differential basis and on the rateable capital value on every rating unit connected to either the City Water Supply System, or the Bay View Water Supply System, such rates to apply to the Differential Groups and Differential Codes as follows:











Fire Protection Rate

- Cents in the $





2.1.1, 2.1.2, 2.1.3, 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.2.3, 2.2.4



2.3.1, 2.3.2, 2.3.3, 2.4.1, 2.4.2, 2.4.3, 2.4.4, 2.4.5, 2.6.1, 2.6.2, 2.7.1



2.5.1, 2.5.2



All except 3.3.7 and 3.3.8












A nil rate will apply for land included in 3.3.7 and 3.3.8.


The following rate will apply on the rateable capital value for those rating units not connected to either the City water supply system or the Bay View water supply system, but located within 100 metres of either system.






Fire Protection Rate

- Cents in the $








All except 3.3.7 and 3.3.8












A nil rate will apply for land included in 3.3.7 and 3.3.8.


2.       City Water Rate


A targeted rate for water supply, set under Section 16 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 as a fixed amount on a uniform basis, applied to each separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit connected to the City water supply system, such rate to apply to the Differential Groups and Differential Codes as follows:









Water Rate








All except 3.3.7 and 3.3.8









A nil rate will apply for land included in 3.3.7 and 3.3.8.



The following rate will apply for each rating unit not connected to the City water supply system but located within 100 metres of the system.






Water Rate








All except 3.3.7 and 3.3.8









A nil rate will apply for land included in 3.3.7 and 3.3.8.


3.       Bay View Water Rate


A targeted rate for Water Supply, set under Section 16 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 as a fixed amount on a uniform basis, applied to each separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit connected to the Bay View water supply system, such rate to apply to the Differential Groups as follows:





Water Rate








The following rate will apply for each rating unit not connected to the Bay View water supply system but located within 100 metres of the system:





Water Rate










4.       Water by Meter Charge


A targeted rate for water supply, set under Section 19 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002, on a differential basis per cubic metre of water consumed after the first 300m3 per annum, to all metered rating units as follows:


Water Meter Charge

Non-Domestic Supplies ($/m3 )


Metered Domestic Supplies ($/m3 )





A targeted rate for refuse collection and disposal, set under Section 16 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 as a fixed amount on a uniform basis, applied to each separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit, for which a weekly rubbish collection service is available, with the rate being 2 or 3 times the base rate for those units where 2 or 3 collections per week respectively is available.  The rate to apply to the Differential Groups and Differential Codes as follows:























All except 3.3.7 and 3.3.8




















A nil rate will apply for land included in 3.3.7 and 3.3.8.




A targeted rate for Kerbside Recycling, set under Section 16 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 as a fixed amount on a uniform basis, applied to each separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit for which the Kerbside recycling collection service is available, such rate to apply to the Differential Groups as follows:









Kerbside Recycling Rate



















A targeted rate for sewerage treatment and disposal, set under Section 16 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 as a fixed amount on a uniform basis, applied to each separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit connected to the City Sewerage system (including the Bay View Sewerage Scheme), such rate to apply to the Differential Groups and Differential Codes as follows:






Sewerage Rate








All except 3.3.7 and 3.3.8












A nil rate will apply for land included in 3.3.7 and 3.3.8.


The following rate will apply for each rating unit (excluding Bay View properties) not connected to the City Sewerage system but located within 30 metres of the system.






Sewerage Rate








All except 3.3.7 and 3.3.8









A nil rate will apply for land included in 3.3.7 and 3.3.8.


The following rate will apply for each rating unit located within the Bay View Stage 1 urban drainage area not connected to the sewerage system but located within 30 metres of the system.









Sewerage Rate








A targeted rate for Bay View Sewerage Connection, set under Section 16 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 as a fixed amount on a uniform basis, applied to each separately used or inhabited part of a rating unit connected to the Bay View Sewerage Scheme, where the lump sum payment option was not elected, such rate to apply to the Differential Groups as follows:





Bay View Sewerage Connection Rate







A targeted rate to provide funding for additional off street carparking in the Central Business District, Taradale and Suburban Shopping and commercial areas and to maintain existing offstreet parking areas in suburban shopping and commercial areas, set under Section 16 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 on a differential basis and on the rateable land value, to apply to rating units in the Central Business District, Taradale Suburban commercial area, and other suburban shopping centres and commercial properties located in residential areas which are serviced by Council supplied offstreet parking, such rate to apply to the Differential Groups and Differential Codes as follows:






Off Street Carparking Rate – Cents in the $


































A targeted rate to fund at least 70% of the cost of the promotional activities run by the Napier City Business Inc, set under Section 16 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002, and applied uniformly on the rateable land value of all rating units in the area defined as the Central Business District, such rate to apply to applicable properties within the Differential Groups and Differential Codes as follows:





CBD Promotion Rate – Cents in the $


2.1 & 2.2




A targeted rate to fund the cost of the Taradale Marketing Association’s promotional activities, set under Section 16 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 and applied uniformly on the rateable land value of all rating units in the Taradale Suburban Commercial area, such rate to apply to the Differential Groups and Differential Codes as follows:






Taradale Promotion Rate – Cents in the $


2.3.1, 2.3.2 & 2.3.3






For each of the rates outlined in A to J above, the description of the Differential Groups applying is:

1.      City Residential Properties

2.      Commercial and Industrial Properties

3.      Miscellaneous Properties (e.g. schools and kindergartens, churches, non-profit organisations, halls, private hospitals, etc)

(Council properties (other than leased) are included in 3.3.7 and 3.3.8)

4.      Ex-City Rural Areas (i.e. part of Napier City prior to 1.11.89)

5.      Other Rural Areas

6.      Bay View Differential Rating Area







Full description of the differential groups and differential codes is contained in the 2017/18 Annual Plan.

For the purpose of calculating the General Rate, the differential factor applying for each category is:

1.       City Residential


2.       Commercial and Industrial


3.       Miscellaneous


4.       Ex-City Rural


5.       Other Rural


6.       Bay View






Instalment Rating

That rates other than water by meter charges are due and payable in four equal instalments as follows:


Instalment 1                 due 23 August 2017

Instalment 2                 due 22 November 2017

Instalment 3                 due 21 February 2018

Instalment 4                 due 23 May 2018


Water by Meter Charges

That water by meter charges are due for payment by the 20th of the month after the month of invoice as follows:


Metered Domestic Supplies   - Invoiced annually

-     June 2018, due 20 July 2018


Non-Domestic Supplies   - Invoiced quarterly

-     September 2017, due 20 October 2017

-     December 2017, due 20 January 2018

-     March 2018, due 20 April 2018

-     June 2018, due 20 July 2018




That pursuant to Sections 57 and 58 of the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 a penalty of 10 per cent is added to each instalment or part thereof which is unpaid 2 full working days after the due date for payment. Previous years rates which remain unpaid will have a further 10 per cent added 2 full working days after the due date for instalments one and three.




The meeting closed at 3.18pm










DATE OF APPROVAL:____________________