Ordinary Meeting of Council

Open Minutes


Meeting Date:

Thursday 1 February 2024


9.30am - 9.55am (Open)

10.00am – 10.11am (Public Excluded)


Large Exhibition Hall
War Memorial Centre
Marine Parade


Livestreamed via Council’s Facebook page



Chair:               Mayor Wise

Members:         Deputy Mayor Brosnan, Councillors Browne, Chrystal, Crown, Greig, Mawson, McGrath, Price, Simpson and Taylor

In Attendance

Chief Executive (Louise Miller)

Executive Director City Services (Lance Titter)

Chief Financial Officer (Caroline Thomson)

Manager Communications and Marketing (Julia Atkinson)

Pou Whakarae (Mōrehu Te Tomo)

Strategic Programmes Manager (Darran Gillies)

Manager 3 Waters Transition (Lauren Sye)

Team Leader Governance (Anna Eady)


Governance Advisor (Carolyn Hunt)


Ordinary Meeting of Council01 February 2024 Open Minutes

Ordinary Meeting of Council – Open Minutes



Table of Contents

Order of Business                                                                                                     Page No.

Karakia. 3

Apologies. 3

Conflicts of interest 3

Public forum.. 3

Announcements by the Mayor 3

Announcements by the management 3

Confirmation of minutes. 3

Agenda Items

1.       Update on water services reforms post-election. 4

2.       Te Aka Preliminary Design Approval 4

3.       Amendment to the 2024 Schedule of Standing Committees and Council Meetings. 5

4.       Information - Minutes of Joint Committees. 6

Reports / Recommendations from the Standing Committees

Reports from Audit and Risk Committee held 13 December 2023

1      Health and Safety Report - September to November 2023........................................ 41

2      Asset Management Roadmap Progress.................................................................... 42

3      Sensitive Expenditure - Mayor and Chief Executive................................................... 43

4      Internal Audit Recommendations Progress Report.................................................... 44

5      Annual tax update year to 30 June 2023................................................................... 44

6      PAYE / WHT Compliance Evaluation........................................................................ 45

Reports under Delegated Authority

1.       Tenders Let 7

Minor matters  7

Resolution to Exclude the Public. 8




Ordinary Meeting of Council - 01 February 2024 - Open Minutes

Order of Business


The meeting opened with the Council karakia.



Council resolution

Councillors Mawson / Price

That the apology for absence from Councillor Boag and apology for lateness from Councillor Tareha be accepted.


Conflicts of interest


Public forum


Announcements by the Mayor

Earthquake Commemoration – A service will be held at midday on Saturday, 3 February 2024 at the Waiapu (St John’s) Cathedral, Browning Street, Napier to commemorate the 93rd  anniversary of the 1931 Hawke’s Bay earthquake.

Waipureku Waitangi Commemoration 2024 Tuesday, 6 February 2023 a Hikoi (Walk of Unity) commencing at 7.45am from Ātea a Rangi, Waitangi Regional Park, Awatoto along the riverside to Farndon Park, followed by speeches ending at 10.30am. 

Waitangi Day Family Celebrations - Napier City Council, Hastings District Council, Central Hawke's Bay District Council, Hawke's Bay Regional Council and Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated are holding a free family-friendly event on Tuesday, 6 February 2024 from 9.00am to 3.30pm at the Mitre 10 Sports Park, Percival Road, Hastings for Waitangi Day celebrations.

Cyclone Gabrielle Anniversary - To mark the one-year anniversary of Cyclone Gabrielle, a community service will be held at the Napier Soundshell, Marine Parade at 11.45am on Wednesday, 14 February 2024 with a minute’s silence at 12.00pm.

The service is for everyone impacted by the Cyclone, whether in a catastrophic or a small way and will be an opportunity for the community to reflect on what happened and what was lost. Everyone will be invited to drop a stone into a vessel of water as a symbol of remembrance. This small gesture is a way of cleansing and signifying a fresh start.

Announcements by the management






Confirmation of minutes

Council resolution

Councillor Greig / Brosnan

That the Draft Minutes of the Ordinary meeting held on 14 December 2023 be confirmed, with the following amendment, as a true and accurate record of the meeting:


ACTION:     War Memorial Centre - Direct officers to prepare and present a report to Council detailing the minor defects outstanding as at the end of the Council meeting held on 14 December 2023 at the end of the 2023, including an estimated completion date prior to handing over to the Council team.




Agenda Items


1.    Update on water services reforms post-election

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:


Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Lauren Sye, Manager 3 Waters Transition


1.1.  Purpose of Report

This report updates Council on the post-election landscape for the water services reforms and outlines likely next steps from the new government. 


At the meeting

The Chief Executive, Ms Miller advised that further work had been undertaken on the Hawke’s Bay Water Model and a small project team would be set up to explore how the Model could be progressed. 

The Manager 3Waters Transition, Ms Sye provided a brief summary to the report advising that news had been received that the National Transition Unit will be dissolved by the end of May 2024. The repeal process, which involves legislation to Parliament is expected to be completed by the end of March 2024.  

Ms Sye advised that the Government’s approach to water reform is outlined in the Local Water Done Well Policy (Doc Id 1724447), and is part of the Government’s 100-day plan.  The Local Water Done Well Policy does not require Councils to move their water activities to new water services entities.  

Council has received transition support funding of approximately $659,500 out of a promised $988,500 from the Department of Internal Affairs. There has been no indication whether this funding can be retained or will be recalled.

The five Hawke’s Bay Councils have taken the opportunity to revisit the regional model scoped in 2019/2020 for a Council Controlled Organisation, which remains the preferred option for Hawke’s Bay communities.

Ms Sye also advised that the Council website was currently being upgraded and although the National Party “Local Water Done Well” document was already publicly available, would ensure a link to the document was included on the Council website.

Council resolution

Councillors Mawson / Price

That Council:

a.     Receive and note the contents of this report intended to provide a high-level summary of signalled changes to the water reforms programme.



2.    Te Aka Preliminary Design Approval

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:


Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Darran Gillies, Strategic Programmes Manager

Hilary Prentice, Māori Partnership Manager - Te Kaiwhakahaere Hononga Māori

Alix Burke, Strategic Programme Coordinator

2.1   Purpose of Report

This report seeks endorsement of the Te Aka Preliminary Design, the second of four formal stages of architecture for the design of buildings of this nature.

Further, it seeks approval to proceed to the next stage of the architectural design process, Developed Design.  This will lead to detailed design as we move towards the resource and building consent process and ultimately the construction of Te Aka.


At the meeting

The Strategic Programmes Manager, Mr Gillies spoke to the report seeking endorsement of the preliminary designs for Te Aka (Council Chambers and Library on the corner of Station and Hastings Streets).

Mr Gillies advised that the established wananga process, to bring the right experts and stakeholders together to have input into the design would continue through the detailed design phase.

Council resolution

Deputy Mayor Brosnan / Councillor Chrystal

That Council:

a)    Endorse The Preliminary Design for Te Aka.

b)    Approve to proceed into the next stages of the Architectural Design process.



3.    Amendment to the 2024 Schedule of Standing Committees and Council Meetings

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:

Local Government Act 2002

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Anna Eady, Team Leader Governance

3.1   Purpose of Report

The purpose of this report is to consider an amendment to the schedule of Standing Committees and Council meetings for 2024, which was adopted on 12 October 2023.


It is proposed that the meeting schedule be amended as outlined in the recommendations of this report.


At the meeting

The Team Leader Governance, Mrs Eady advised this was a procedural matter requiring a change of date for the Long Term Plan hearing of submissions.

Council resolution

Councillors Taylor / McGrath

That Council:

a)      Adopt the following amendment to the 2024 Napier City Council meeting schedule:


Council (LTP Hearings)


Date change

Previously 13 and 14 May 2024

Proposed 27 and 28 May 2024







.       Information - Minutes of Joint Committees

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:

Local Government Act 2002

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Anna Eady, Team Leader Governance

1.1   Purpose of Report

The purpose of this report is to receive unconfirmed minutes from various Joint Committee meetings for the period 26 August 2023 to 3 November 2023.


        To view the full agendas relating to these minutes please refer to the Hawke’s Bay District

       Council website at https://www.hbrc.govt.nz/our-council/meetings or the Hastings District Council website at https://hastings.infocouncil.biz 


At the meeting

The Team Leader Governance, Mrs Eady took the report as read.

Council resolution

Councillors Simpson / Mawson

That Council:

a.     Receive for information the unconfirmed minutes of the following Joint Committees:

·     26 August 2023 - Civil Defence Emergency Management Group Joint Committee (Doc Id 1718032)

·     3 November 2023 - Omarunui Refuse Landfill Joint Committee (Doc Id 1726282)


















Reports from Audit and Risk Committee held 13 December 2023


1.    Health and Safety Report - September to November 2023

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:


Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Adam McDonald, Health, Safety and Wellbeing Lead


1.1     Purpose of Report

          The purpose of this report is to provide the Audit & Risk Committee (ARC) an overview of Health Safety & Wellbeing (HSW) activity, inform on the progress of initiatives underway to improve health, safety, and wellbeing, as well as key performance indicators covering the period September 2023 through to November 2023 (as of 25 November 2023). The report enables the ARC to provide assurance to Council for the capability and functioning of Council’s health, safety and wellbeing hazard and risk management system and associated programmes.


At the meeting

 There was no discussion on this item.

CoUNCIL resolution


Mayor Wise / Councillor Crown

That Council noted the recommendation from the Audit and Risk Committee to:

a.     Receive the September – November 2023 Health and Safety report.



2.    Asset Management Roadmap Progress

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:


Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Kate Ivicheva, Manager Asset Strategy

2.1   Purpose of Report

This report presents the Asset Management Roadmap designed as an improvement plan to elevate asset management maturity within our organisation. By detailing specific phases (0-5) for the next two and a half years, the roadmap aims to enhance our asset management practices, ensuring alignment with the recently adopted Asset Management Policy and contributing to the broader organisational goals.


At the meeting

There was no discussion on this item.

CoUNCIL resolution


Mayor Wise / Councillor Crown

That Council noted the recommendation from the Audit and Risk Committee to:

a.      Endorse the progress of the Asset Management Roadmap (Doc Id 1722443).



3.    Sensitive Expenditure - Mayor and Chief Executive

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:


Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Raewyn Fowler, Internal Audit Lead

Talia Foster, Financial Controller


3.1   Purpose of Report

To provide the information required for the Committee to review Sensitive Expenditure of the Mayor and Chief Executive for compliance with Council’s Sensitive Expenditure Policy.


At the meeting

There was no discussion on this item.

Committee resolution


Mayor Wise / Councillor Crown

That Council noted the recommendation from the Audit and Risk Committee to:

a.     Receive the 30 September 2023 quarterly report of Sensitive Expenditure for the Mayor and Chief Executive and review for compliance with the Sensitive Expenditure Policy.






4.    Internal Audit Recommendations Progress Report

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:


Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Raewyn Fowler, Internal Audit Lead


4.1   Purpose of Report

The purpose of this report is to provide the Committee with a summary of the internal audit recommendations progress to date.


At the meeting

There was no discussion on this item.

CoUNCIL resolution


Mayor Wise / Councillor Crown

That Council noted the recommendation from the Audit and Risk Committee to:

a)    Receive the Internal Audit Recommendations Progress Report.



5.    Annual tax update year to 30 June 2023

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:

Local Government Act 2002

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Talia Foster, Financial Controller

Heather Sharp, Accounting Manager


5.1   Purpose of Report

To provide the Audit and Risk Committee with the annual tax update on progress made during the period up to 30 June 2023.


At the meeting

There was no discussion on this item.

CoUNCIL resolution


Mayor Wise / Councillor Crown

That Council noted the recommendation from the Audit and Risk Committee to:

a.     Receive the report from PwC titled ‘Napier City Council Annual Tax Update year to 30 June 2023’ (Doc Id 1722437).



6.    PAYE / WHT Compliance Evaluation

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:


Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Talia Foster, Financial Controller


6.1   Purpose of Report

To provide the Audit and Risk Committee with the PAYE / WHT Compliance Evaluation Report completed by PwC.


At the meeting

There was no discussion on this item.

CoUNCIL resolution


Mayor Wise / Councillor Crown

That Council noted the recommendation from the Audit and Risk Committee to:

a)   Receive the PAYE / WHT Compliance Evaluation Report (Doc Id 1719506) and direct officers to report back on progress of the actions outlined in the report in the Internal Audit Recommendations Update regularly.

Ordinary Meeting of Council - 01 February 2024 - Open Minutes

Reports under Delegated Authority


1.    Tenders Let

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:


Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Debbie Beamish, Executive Assistant to the Chief Executive


1.1   Purpose of Report

To report the Tenders let under delegated authority for the period 13 November 2023 – 19 January 2024


At the meeting

There was no discussion on this item.

Council resolution

Councillors Taylor / Greig

That Council:

a)    Receive the Tenders let for the period 13 November 2023 – 19 January 2024 as below:

·         Contract 2612 Gleeson Park Playground – Civil Works be awarded to Topline Contracting Ltd in the sum of $130,497.67.


·         Contract 2635 West Quay Road Reconstruction be awarded to Downer New Zealand Limited in the sum of $390,068.94.


·         Contract 2656 Awatoto Silt Remediation be awarded to Tūpore Infrastructure in the sum of $1,470,293.71.



Minor matters

There were no Minor Matters.

Ordinary Meeting of Council - 01 February 2024 - Open Minutes

Resolution to Exclude the Public

Council resolution

Councillors Mawson / Chrystal

That the public be excluded from the following parts of the proceedings of this meeting.


Agenda Items

1.         Napier City Flag (Heraldic) Permission Request

2.         Information - Public Excluded Minutes of the Omarunui Refuse Landfill Joint Committee - 3 November 2023


The general subject of each matter to be considered while the public was excluded, the reasons for passing this resolution in relation to each matter, and the specific grounds under section 48(1) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 for the passing of this resolution were as follows:

General subject of each matter to be considered.

Reason for passing this resolution in relation to each matter.

That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information where the withholding of the information is necessary to:

Ground(s) under section 48(1) to the passing of this resolution.

48(1)(a) That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist:

Agenda Items

1.  Napier City Flag (Heraldic) Permission Request

7(2)(a) Protect the privacy of natural persons, including that of a deceased person

48(1)(a) That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist:
(i) Where the local authority is named or specified in Schedule 1 of this Act, under section 6 or 7  (except 7(2)(f)(i)) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.

2.  Information - Public Excluded Minutes of the Omarunui Refuse Landfill Joint Committee - 3 November 2023

7(2)(i) Enable the local authority to carry on, without prejudice or disadvantage, negotiations (including commercial and industrial negotiations)

48(1)(a) That the public conduct of the whole or the relevant part of the proceedings of the meeting would be likely to result in the disclosure of information for which good reason for withholding would exist:
(i) Where the local authority is named or specified in Schedule 1 of this Act, under section 6 or 7  (except 7(2)(f)(i)) of the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.


The meeting adjourned at 9.55am and reconvened

in Public Excluded at 10.00am



 The meeting closed with a karakia at 10.11am


Approved and adopted as a true and accurate record of the meeting.



Chairperson .............................................................................................................................



Date of approval ......................................................................................................................