Civic Building

231 Hastings Street, Napier

Phone:  (06) 835 7579




Extraordinary Finance Committee







Meeting Date:

Wednesday 29 March 2017




Main Committee Room
3rd floor Civic Building
231 Hastings Street



Council Members

Councillor Wise (In the Chair), Mayor, Councillors  Boag, Brosnan, Dallimore, Hague, Jeffery, McGrath, Price, Tapine, Taylor, White and Wright

Officer Responsible

Director Corporate Services, Adele Henderson


Governance Team



Next Finance Committee Meeting

Wednesday 3 May 2017

Extraordinary Finance Committee29 March 2017 Open Agenda



Cr Faye White



Public forum


Announcements by the Mayor

Announcements by the Chairperson

Announcements by the Management

Notification and Justification of Matters of Extraordinary Business

(Strictly for information and/or referral purposes only).

Agenda Items

1               Review of Fees & Charges 2017/18.................................................................................... 3

2.............. Annual Plan 2017/18......................................................................................................... 53   

Extraordinary Finance Committee29 March 2017 Open Agenda

Agenda Items

1.      Review of Fees & Charges 2017/18

Type of Report:


Legal Reference:

Local Government Act 2002

Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Adele  Henderson, Director Corporate Services


1.1     Purpose of Report

To consider Fees and Charges proposed for the year commencing 1 July 2017.


Officer’s Recommendation

That the proposed Schedule of Fees and Charges for 2017/18 be adopted and form part of the supporting information for the 2017/18 Annual Plan.




That the Council resolve that the officer’s recommendation be adopted.


1.2     Background Summary

The proposed Schedule of Fees and Charges (shown at Attachment A) is to take effect from 1 July 2017.


The schedule has been updated to incorporate changes to the existing scale of fees and charges, and any new charges that have been approved by Council during 2016/17.


Where appropriate, all charges have been rounded to the nearest 10 cents or whole dollar in accordance with Council Policy.

11.3   Issues

Generally fees and charges have been increased by the Consumer Price Index (CPI) December 2016 of 1.4% and the Subdivision and Urban Growth fees and charges by Producer Price Index (PPI) of 1.7% as at December 2016. 

Charges were also reviewed to reflect actual cost movement.  In these cases there are variances, both increases and decreases, from the CPI and PPI adjustments applied.


The significant variances and the reasons for these are stated below:


·                Fees associated with the sale of a dog are proposed to increase from $65 to $210, in order to recover the costs associated with the additional services of vet check, desexing, registration as well as microchipping.

·                Aquarium fees and charges have increased by 5% across the board, with the exception of fees for school parties, group discounts and sleep-overs which have remained unchanged.  It should be noted that charges at the Aquarium had not been adjusted in the last five years. 

·                Following the redevelopment of the Napier Conference Centre, all fees and charges have been reviewed to reflect the new additional space and likely use of the rooms. All Community rates have been repriced and are now set at a 40% discount of relevant corporate rate.

·                MTG fees have been reviewed to bring venue hire fees in line with the Napier Conference Centre, to provide community group discounts in line with other areas of Council, and to increase student numbers in the education programmes.

·                Charges for official information requests have been updated to reflect the Ministry of Justice Charging Guidelines.


Financial contributions have not been indexed as per the guidelines in the District Plan and therefore remain unchanged from 2016/17. It is proposed that these will be reviewed as part of the Long Term Plan process.




1.4     Attachments

a       Draft Fees and Charges 2017/18   

Extraordinary Finance Committee29 March 2017 Open Agenda
















































Extraordinary Finance Committee29 March 2017 Open Agenda

2.      Annual Plan 2017/18

Type of Report:

Legal and Operational

Legal Reference:

Local Government (Rating) Act 2002

Document ID:


Reporting Officer/s & Unit:

Adele  Henderson, Director Corporate Services


2.1                   Purpose of Report

The Annual Plan is prepared and adopted as part of the requirements from Section 95 of the Local Government Act.   The purpose of this report is to propose not to consult due to there being no significant or material variances to the Long Term Plan 2015-25 for year 3.



Officer’s Recommendation

a.       That Napier City Council recognise the changes in Local Government Act 2002 consultation requirements, and do not consult on the Annual Plan 2017/18 as there are no significant or material changes to those presented in the Long Term Plan 2015-25;

b.       That Council increase the funding for Community Grants by $50,000 for 2017/18, to be funded from rates;

c.       That Council provide a Community Projects fund of $200,000, to be funded from rates, in the Draft Annual Plan 2017/18;

d.       That Council inform the public and make the Draft Annual Plan 2017/18 available on the Council website;

e.       That Council approve the proposed average rate increase of 3.9% (noting that this is lower than the Long Term Plan proposed increased for 2017/18 of 5.0%); and

f.       That Council seek feedback on the proposed Fees and Charges for the Council activities for 2017/18 on the Council website by 30th April 2017.




That the Council resolve that the officer’s recommendation be adopted.


2.2     Background Summary

The Annual Plan is prepared and adopted as part of the requirements from Section 95 of the Local Government Act.   Council is required to produce an Annual Plan each year, with the exception of the years when the Long Term Plan (LTP) is to be produced (triennially).  The Annual Plan 2017/18 (shown at Attachment A) represents year 3 of the 2015-25 LTP.


Section 95 Subsection (2) does not apply if the proposed Annual Plan does not include significant or material differences from the content of the LTP for the financial year to which the proposed Annual Plan relates.


The Act also requires that an Annual Plan be adopted before the commencement of the year to which it relates.  This means that the 2017/18 Annual Plan must be adopted on or before 30 June 2017.


Although not required to consult on this Plan, there is an option for Council to do so. This would result in significant resources being required for community engagement events, preparing a consultation document, collating and summarising, considering and responding to submissions. 



2.3     Issues



2.4     Significance and Consultation

Local Government Act 2002 (amendment of 2014)

As Napier City Council have not identified any significant or material differences between the proposal Annual Plan and the content of the LTP for the financial year to which the Annual Plan relates, it is recommended that the formal consultation document and consultation process are not  required this year.  This recommendation is a result of the amendment to the Local Government Act in 2014. 


The criteria for Significance and the engagement spectrum is contained in the Council’s Significance and Engagement Policy (available on the Council website). 


For the purposes of the Annual Plan 2017/18 the following consultation is recommended:


Draft Annual Plan                        Inform

Fees and Charges                       Seek the Community’s view


Information on the updated Fees and Charges has been provided in a separate report to this meeting.  The proposed Fees and Charges Schedule for 2017/18 will be available on the Council website, Council offices and Libraries and we will be seeking community feedback on these.  The feedback will be due by 30th April 2017.


The Draft Annual Plan will be available on the Council website.


Funding Grants

To address funding requests normally received through the Annual Plan, Council is proposing the following:


Community Development Grants

It is recommended that Council increase the fund by $50K to provide additional funding within the current grant process to accommodate requests normally received through Annual Plan process.  This would allow for grant requests to be received throughout the year rather than the Annual Plan timing only.


The fund information sheet is shown at Attachment B.



Council Project Grants

Larger scale community projects are normally identified as part of the LTP process; however, from time to time there are projects that the community would like to progress earlier.  A budget of $200K is to be provided for Council to accommodate requests during the year, which would be considered on a case by case basis. 


The fund would consider projects with a minimum value of $20K, with the initial assessment undertaken by Community Development, and then brought to Council for their consideration, as and when requests arise.  A template would be provided to groups interested in making an application, allowing them to provide a developed proposal with adequate information for consistent decision-making. Proposals would be able to be made throughout the year.


Council may wish to identify three or four priority areas for funding purposes.


   Annual Plan 2017/18 Movements

There are some movements in the Annual Plan 2017/18, which are listed below for information, although not considered ‘significant or material changes’ under the Act:


·         Increase in Event funding                                                                    $140,000

(funded from Reserves)


·         McLean Park Returf                                                                             $849,000

(funded from rates and planned for 2018/19, bought forward to 17/18 - in LTP)                    


·         i-Site redevelopment                                                                            $420,000    (funded from rates and planned for 2017/18 moved to 2018/19 - in LTP)                 


·         Drain improvements                                                                                                      $280,000

             (funded from rates and planned for 2017/18 moved to 2018/19 - in LTP)           



   Capital Projects

Capital Projects contained in the LTP 2015-25 that are still being developed and yet to be finalised are:


Civic Building upgrade

In Year 3 of the LTP 2015-25 Council included funding to progress the upgrade of the Civic Building.  This project is still being scoped, meaning there is considerable uncertainty about the exact funding needed and its timing.


Given the range of possibilities, and the probability that the project parameters would trigger threshold levels under the Significance and Engagement Policy at this time, it is envisaged that any major changes would be considered in the LTP consultation in 2018-28.


Until then, funding currently in Year 3 of the LTP will be retained in the Annual Plan.



Multi-use Sports Facility

The Detailed Business Case has been developed for the Multi-use Sports Facility.  A gateway process was implemented for this project, where Council could consider at each stage whether to continue with the project or not.  Council has the ability to remove any item within the Plan if it considers the project does not deliver value to the community. 


To date: options have been considered, design and pricing of the best option, location and siting, usage, delivery model has been undertaken, as well as processing of the Resource consent, a requirement to progress for external funding.  The Business Case has determined the best option to have an estimated cost of $22.7m (funded 1/3 by Council, 1/3 by Government and 1/3 through Sponsorship/Grants).


Given both the range of possibilities for this project that may need to be considered by Council, and the probability that the project parameters would trigger threshold levels under the Significance and Engagement Policy, it is envisaged that any major changes would be considered in the LTP consultation in 2018-28 or an LTP Amendment.


Annual Plan 2017/18 Exclusions

The following projects have not been considered in the Annual Plan 2017/18 and are being considered for Consultation as part of the LTP 2018-28:


1.   Swimming Pool – business case in development

2.   Sale of Leasehold Land

3.   McLean Park stand upgrade

4.   Environmental sustainability projects


2.5     Implications 


For 2017/18 the proposed rate increase is 3.9%.  This is lower than the proposed rates increase in the Long Term Plan of 5.0%. 



As the legislation requirements regarding consultation changed in 2014, this is the first year Napier City Council has not undertaken consultation on its Annual Plan.  There may be some public perception risk that we are not providing a forum for our community to discuss their requests for income or their concerns with us.  This risk has been mitigated with the proposal for Community projects and Community Grants and funding request proposal.


Engagement Plan

If Council decides not to consult on the Annual Plan, it will be important to communicate this with the community.


Key messages are:


·         Council are staying on the path set in the LTP 2015-25 that was previously consulted on.

·         As there are no significant or material changes from the LTP we will not be re-consulting for the Annual Plan.

·         We have increased our Community Development Grant fund to accommodate requests normally received  through the Annual Plan process

·         We have provided a Council Project fund ($200K) for other requests, that will take applications during the year.

·         We will be focusing on early community engagement for the LTP 2018-28.

2.6     Options

The options available to Council are as follows:

a.   Consult on the Annual Plan 2017/18

Although there are no apparent issues to consult on that relate to the Annual Plan 2017/18, Council may opt to voluntarily consult.

The advantages of this option include a perception that Council intend to take community views into account and make changes to the Annual Plan 2017/18 based on community feedback.

The disadvantages of this option are the significant amount of resources required to hold a consultation, which will limit the ability to achieve the proposed community pre-engagement for the LTP 2018-28.

b.    Not to consult on the Annual Plan 2017/18

Council may opt not to consult on the Annual Plan as there is no specific issues to consult or material or significant departures from year 3 of the Long Term Plan 2015-25, and therefore Consultation is not required under legislation



2.7     Attachments

a       Draft Annual Plan 2017/18 (Under Separate Cover)

b       Community Grant Fund Information Sheet   

Extraordinary Finance Committee29 March 2017 Open Agenda